

Even as a teenager I know that Holden wasn't a rebel, but someone suffering from PTSD, which is common among children that lose a sibling.

It's also about sex!

That's some impressive trolling.

I'm not, but cripes that's horrifying.

Frank's relationship with Jane was believable too.

The first thing I remember seeing her in is the wonderful Canadian end of the world movie Last Night.

Did any try to argue that they actually wrote it?


Do you ever watch Todd in the Shadows? He put "Bad Blood" on his list of the worst songs of 2015, and had a great line talking about how the song was about Katy Perry, that went something like; "Song after song of Taylor Swift trashing other people made her seem so easy to get along with."

It's great. I had to read it for school, for a class I wasn't very interested in, and found it fascinating.

The person who wished rape on me appeared to be a middle aged suburbanite.

Most actresses in general. Julianne Moore will be 56 this year!

Does it feature the song by DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince?

Go to the IMDB board for the film. There people are unhinged.

Someone I don't even know told me that I "need to be raped."

Amazon recommended that to me.

Have you read The Boys on the Bus by Timothy Crouse?

She also had wealthy parents. She's a self-made success like Donald Trump!

I love celebrity gossip and am a Kardashian defender too!