
I actually showed that movie to my mom when I was a teenager. She loved it!

That's "Pussy Posse," thank you very much.

Lopez's album "On the 6" makes great workout music.

That's disappointing.

You've been one of my favorite posters since I joined, so I noticed your absence. Your posts were ones that I regularly read aloud to people IRL.

He didn't work for Merrill Lynch at all, which didn't even have an office in the WTC at the time.

I really hated that fat guy because he mispronounced my name in the movie.

It could be worse, I have 4 neighbors who regularly shoot guns specifically to scare people.

He was in the Law & Order: CI take on Robert Durst.

I like you.

Ricky Coogin. He frequently tells detailed stories about his daughter Putter, who doesn't exist.

Years ago Cimino was interviewed for Vanity Fair and claimed that the changes in his face were not from plastic surgery, but due to becoming a Buddhist.

Maxwell was even invited to Chelsea Clinton's wedding.

I never even heard of PUMAs until this election.

I was told that voting for Stein doesn't prove that someone isn't sexist bro because, "they know she won't win. They wouldn't vote for a woman that they actually think would win."

While I'm a fan of many critically reviled moves, the premise of this film turns me off more than the review. Though I first read the premise in this review.

When I read those comments, I pictured Game of Thrones characters saying them.

My mom told me this theory years ago.

I only clicked this story to see that picture. I'm not joking.

ooh I love the Dollar Tree.