
My head hurts.

Jealous! I have the cast album of that.

You mean, Sam the Unlicensed Handyman


I watched a Seinfeld rerun recently, and Elaine was interested in renting an apartment in the building that Jerry and Kramer lived in. For $400 a month.


He does the same thing as Juan Person in the film version of Evita.

I shall now be seeing The Neon Demon!

I'm a poor white person, and while I know this is anecdotal, but I've experienced the worst classism from liberals.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that there's not much overlap of Trump voters and John Oliver viewers.

Also: Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead

It might be quicker to just list the show that'll still be covered.

Gendry. Hot Pie was the baker.

He's not. Though Cersei is and Tywin was.

I don't like Michael Sheen, but I do like serial killers, so I don't know how to feel about this.

I said that!

Had no idea it was her birthday, but I was randomly though about Shelley during my run this morning.

I currently have 2 people blocked. Yesterday one of the people I have blocked posted a bunch of comments in a section I was reading, then I decided I was better off not.

I've always liked Lindsay Lohan.