
Judicial races can be bought, same as any other electoral race. The amount of money that has been spent on Wisconsin Supreme Court elections in the past 5 years alone is astonishing. The court is as partisan as it’s ever been and its ruling reflect that divide. Some recent ones have been just awful, specifically

Hiring more isn’t always the solution, especially in the public sector. Perhaps a better solution is the expectation that people hired as full time workers work full time. It’s also a management failing when their behavior is allowed to slide, but those without kids are held to higher standards. I would just like the

I would be beg to differ about the dependability of parents compared to non-parents. In my office, it’s evenly split between the two. Myself and the boss are the ones without kids and we’re the only ones who can be depended upon to arrive on time, be flexible when it comes to staffing emergencies, and have less

Whites from rural areas. Most of your large Midwestern land grant and public universities could fill 90% of their incoming class with kids from the urban centers and associated suburbs. They can’t because that means that kids from the majority of the state that is more rural wouldn’t have a fair chance. Their parents

If his kid ends up going to the school where she teaches, I hope that she doesn’t have to have the kid in her class. She has every right to not have his kid in her class because of this incident.

Vukmir got the WI GOP endorsement in May, and the primary’s in August.

Another Wisconsin resident here. This ad is such an incredibly stark contrast to the ads that have gone viral nationally for some Wisconsin Democrats, especially Randy Bryce for Paul Ryan’s seat in Congress and Kelda Roys for governor. Tammy Baldwin’s ads are also in the same vein - the hopeful and positive, here’s

I’ll second the avoiding a DUI reason. I don’t drink when I go out to eat if I have to drive home for that reason. Yeah, I live in Wisconsin where it makes both the TV news and newspaper if someone has gotten their 5th or more DUI and still has their driver’s license. I usually end up as the designated driver.

I had seen that too. I know last year maybe half of the Patriots showed up, with Tom Brady among the ones absent.

The Clark one and the associated wigs and costumes for Elizabeth and Claudia are Clark and Martha’s wedding are great. Apparently, that particular wig and make up were Matthew Rhys’ least favorite look for his character.

The use of those vouchers are a form of shaming for receiving the less desirable form of government assistance. I worked at a grocery store in South Dakota around 2010 and was surprised that said state was still using vouchers, when I had moved from Michigan which had switched a card based payment system. The card

I worked at grocery stores in multiple states, including Michigan, during the recession and I wasn’t eligible for any food or housing assistance. I worked around 30 hours a week making not much above minimum wage, didn’t have any kids, and was fortunate enough to live at home with my parents. It wasn’t a Wal-Mart or

Even that stability may have not been there with Whitney Cummings leaving earlier in the month.

On the whole for Goose Island and A-B, it’s been more positive with some downs. It’s been good for fans of Goose Island that don’t reside in the Great Lakes area in that more varieties of Goose Island are available nationally. It also has reduced the price of their beer with access to A-H distributors.

My late mother was from rural Nebraska and left it as soon as she could for college in Lincoln. She remembers when she was a teenager the families that were eligible for WIC descending upon the boxes of food and leaving behind stuff like beans and rice that was too hard to cook. This was in the mid 70s.

This. The most problematic of his Buffy work, Season 6, was also the one where Marti Noxon was the co-showrunner. Whedon was working on Firefly and the musical episode was honestly the only one he seemed fully invested in that season. Noxon got a lot of the blame for the problems of that season, and most of the

The WI GOP has a fairly deep bench in Ryan’s district, including several who have butted heads with Walker over his refusal to adequately fund transportation and road repairs.

I don’t live in the district, but have family that does. My white collar, manufacturing manager father doesn’t care for Bryce because of his union background. This is a man that thinks that public sector unions are essential because he has family that are public sector workers and he got better customer service at

This was in my last retail job in a department store that recently has had store closings where you weren’t supposed to discuss with colleagues what you were getting paid. I was hired at the same time as a male a bit younger than myself with less education and experience. He gets placed in the men’s clothing and

As someone who works in academia, incidents like that don’t sound too outrageous. It’s honestly amazing how much emphasis is placed on seniority and time of service, when some of the people who hold that over their more capable and productive peers’ heads wouldn’t get hired today with the qualifications they had when