
I’m also with you on the generational divide. I’ve described how terrible and awful of a cook my late grandmother was before. This is a woman who didn’t know how to use seasonings other than salt & pepper, and who’s usual methods were baking or boiling meat and vegetables.

I’m a Wisconsin state worker and someone who really is hoping that Walker is unemployed on the morning of November 7, 2018. The state of Wisconsin does not offer paid parental leave for state workers, so offering that benefit would make sense if we have to go through with the birth. Oh and also offer free daycare for

Please don’t make Betsy DeVos aware of this magnificent creature. After all she thinks bears are the reason we need guns in our classrooms.

My dad lives in Ryan’s district and really dislikes him. He’s still on the fence on Bryce because of his very blue collar background, but will vote for him to make Grand Moff Tarkin of Janesville unemployed.

Most UM fans, students, and alum have been on the whole fairly decent and fair towards MSU over both the Nassar mess and the sexual assault cover up. Most are embarrassed and ashamed because it reflects badly on the state of Michigan also. They know that most people affiliated with MSU feel terrible and want real

I work for a public university in a purple state with a Republican governor and legislature that seem to view it as the root of all evil in the state. It’s ironic when it’s one of the economic driving engines of the state, both directly and indirectly.

Last retail job I was at made it mandatory that employees could only bring in clear bags because of corporate wide policy on reducing internal loss prevention (aka employee theft). We had to leave our purses in lockers and couldn’t bring them on the floor. At the location I was at, the only department that had an

I won’t disagree with most of what you wrote. I work in academia in public university in a state that doesn’t offer paid parental/caregiver leave. Having flex schedules is an option, but one that’s really only available to salaried staff and faculty. If you’re hourly, it takes a very good argument to get one.

The other aspect of that behavior that irritates me is when there’s a divorce and suddenly the newly divorced father is putting on his best “concerned father” impression. Prior to the divorce, the kids were the soon to be ex-wife’s problem when they were sick, needed to be picked up early from school, or had other

Catherine’s great-grandmother Catherine of Lancaster was the daughter of John of Gaunt by his second wife. Her mother Isabella was described as having very English coloring, and contemporary portraits of her show her with blond or light red hair. The portraits of Catherine by Netherlandish artists show her with either

Some adults think the kids are okay. My father, who is a more conservative Democrat, was shocked when I told him that the high school in rural northern Illinois that my sister and I both graduated from was punishing kids who participated in the walkout protests today. He thought that the students who did protest were

My coworker was disappointed that his oldest son in middle school decided not to walk out. He said that school officials were in full support of the walk out and sent home permission slips with kids so that parents could give their consent. He told his son that it was okay to miss math class for a half hour because

I highly doubt Roger McBride’s heirs would give permission for an adaptation that was both more realistic and grittier. They still own the rights to the books.

I’m another one who loved the books as a kid. The Ingalls homestead in southern Minnesota, the Plum Creek site, wasn’t too far from where my family lived when I was in elementary school.

I sure won’t vote for him in the primary. I don’t think that a man that picks fights with the city council by vetoing liquor licenses that they’ve granted has the temperament to work with a Republican legislature.

Several years ago in Madison, a restaurant on the near east side asked a mother who was breastfeeding in one of their dining areas to move to another less crowded area after receiving a complaint. The owner was forced to apologize to the mother after a backlash on social media.

Michigan knows all too well what happens when the program isn’t clean. The rolled up banners from the Fab Five years in storage at the historical society on campus are a physical reminder of what happens when you get caught.

Velvetta is the secret ingredient to my other grandmother’s mac and cheese. My late mother had turned into somewhat of a food snob, but the baked mac and cheese from How to Cook Everything with the melted real cheese and butter never took the place of her mother’s homemade stovetop mac & cheese with Velvetta.

My grandmother’s recipe stash, including notecards, cookbooks, and clippings, got split between different sides of the family that are no longer speaking to each other. A cousin on one side was kind enough to scan what she found in a fashion that resembled how she found it for anyone who wanted them. There’s a lot of

I haven’t seen the movie, but have read the book that it’s based on and can see why she took the role. Unlike some of her other roles, she’s playing a character her own age. At least in the books, the male lead character is his his late 20s, so a chance at working with a male lead closer to her own age.