
I think that you make a great point that the Penn State fans who feel that Penn State football was the victim of a monstrous injustice and that the JoePa statue needs to be put back up ASAP are a very vocal minority of the fanbase. Sadly, that’s the part that is more active online. I think the majority are more like

The other concern is covering the person’s work during their absence. Making sure that there’s either a temporary person on hand to cover at least half the person’s job and/or seeing if others can take on some duties on a short term basis without compromising their ability to do their jobs should be considered as

One of his kids goes to UW-Madison, likely paying at most half the tuition, one fringe benefit of being a state worker in Wisconsin, and his dad is technically a state employee. Albeit one that has screwed over the state in many ways. Apparently, being kicked out of Marquette for cheating with one semester left

David Greenwalt deseves more credit than he gets for the high quality and rewatachability of Buffy S1-S3 and Angel.

Xander’s not the only problematic male character with his “nice guy” trope and how crappy he treats Buffy, Willow, and Anya. Andrew’s another Whedon stand in/alter ego. His redemption arc is ridiculous and absurd.   

My guess is that the clues would be which actresses’ characters got the more favorable/flattering writing and storylines. Based on how their characters were handled, I don’t think it was Emma Caulfield (Anya), Amber Benson (Tara), or Sarah Michelle Gellar. I would guess that the ones who were pressured and gave in

My aunt was commenting on something similar in Wisconsin with some teams not having enough players to have separate varsity (mostly upperclassmen) and junior varsity (lower classmen) last year. She noticed some of the same JV players playing varsity not because they were good enough but because the varsity team needed

Amen. I wish that large organizations, like the NCAA, and multinational corporations would refuse to do business in states that have restrictive women’s reproductive rights legislation. It’s disappointing how some people get more upset over bathroom bills that are more political theater than actual policy than the

My aunt and uncle had a Siberian Husky that was a runner and escape artist. They made the mistake of not doing their research and buying a cute Husky puppy because my then teenage cousin wanted one. The dog had to be bailed out of the pound multiple times because it got loose. They ended up giving the dog to her

I would think that if any of these Neo-Nazi terrorists had grandparents and/or great grandparents who fought in World War II against actual Nazis, that they’d be ashamed and appalled at their descendants’ behavior and conduct. My late grandfather fought in Korea and I know he would have been sickened over the events

It’s very unusual for any museum to cancel an exhibition because of all the planning involved. The most recent example I can think of was a Houston museum cancelling a 2011 exhibition when Russian loans fell through because of the current cultural embargo with Russia.

This. The ICA proposed the exhibition to Schutz and her gallery two years ago and it’s been in the planning stages since. When the outcry over her “Open Casket” happened this spring, it was too late to cancel or postpone the show because of arrangements made with lenders. The ICA itself would have had to come up with

So the Democrats are trying to recruit Blue Dog Democrats? I honestly don’t know much of an effect it will have on the November 2018 elections.

If you ask my white trashy cousins, public schools are going down because they have to have integrated classes. The only solutions are charter schools or having their kids take most of their classes online from home.

That’s the main purpose of the second and third tier state schools in some states - to give underachieving white kids from urban areas a college degree.

I will say that I’ve gotten better about using reusable containers and utensils. I can’t remember the last time I bought a 24 pack of water for my own use. Most of the time, I try to use either a glass or S’well bottle. I purchased this kids’ plastic flatware set from IKEA to take to work for lunches. They actually

Dottie’s does have great burgers. The one time I went to the Old Fashioned was enough. There’s better burger and traditional Wisconsin places in the area. One family member likes it, but knowing him it’s more for the tap options.

I would hope that Jacque would also be proposing bills that make it optional for doctors not learn how to do elective procedures like for example gastric bypass surgery. Of course, that’s unlikely considering that he’s likely to stick the taxpayers of Wisconsin with the bill for his own gastric bypass surgery. It’ll

I would love to be allowed to work from home a couple days a week, but because my boss is a micromanager who thinks that just because my male colleague needs to be babysat just so he gets his basic tasks done, no one can be trusted to work away from where she can’t monitor you. It’s not my fault that he’s a 40

You forgot the parts about Tulsi Gabbard where she did the following: