
That line of thinking sounds a lot like the Republicans in my dad’s family. As long as the Republican, be it Scott Walker, Trump, Evil Eddie Munster of Janesville, is pro-”life” aka pro valuable until the fetus is born and they don’t want the government to provide programs like affordable and quality public

A competitive race for Ryan is good news for Democrats. If he’s forced to spend more time and money than planned on re-election, he has less time to help other Republicans. As you said, they only have so much money and more money spent on a safe district like Ryan’s is less money to go towards races where the GOP

I also live in a city with a homeless problem. Normally, my regular route is from downtown to home through mostly residential areas. I did take a different route this past spring to meet my dad by the interstate. There were multiple homeless/transients on the bus, most of whom had their stuff spread out over

Randy Bryce is a decent candidate. If he can stay on message as someone seeking to protect people’s access to affordable insurance and as someone more in tune with WI-1, in addition to raising decent money, he could give Evil Eddie Munster of Janesville a good race. Every weekend that he’s stuck in Wisconsin making

It’s probably a very tiny drop in the bucket compared to what some members of Congress spend on travel to and from their districts weekly (and often for non-constituent services). I’m still salty about Kristi Noem of South Dakota spending taxpayer dollars to go to her kids’ basketball games and to take selfies at the

It’s also tempting considering how much the tangerine toddler preferred campaigning and having rallies to actually governing.

May was Home Secretary under Cameron, responsible for public safety in the UK. She cut police in crucial areas, including Manchester and London during her time as Home Secretary.

Probably the best take out of the British 2017 General Election was the youth (18-34) turnout at 72% of eligible voters. That’s double the turnout in that age group compared to the Brexit referendum.

“For some reason, the issue of Christians and the Inquisition has become a paramount issue for heretics, witches, free thinkers and Jews.” Grand Inquisitor Pence c.1480s to 1820s

He really really isn’t meeting the expectations of his position description with his reduced schedule. Before he went on the current schedule, he was convinced that we could both do our jobs at .75/.8 FTE, if needed because of budget cuts. I wasn’t going to give up anything and still won’t, especially when we have a

For people in their late 20s/early 30s, it was graduating high school during the GWB years. The man was, up until the current resident of the White House, the worst president of our short lifetimes. There was also the worry of the draft being reinstated because of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I’m in my early 30s and it’s a great feeling knowing that younger people aren’t falling for the BS being fed to them by their elders. Last week, it was the Notre Dame graduates walking out on Pence and now some 8th graders ruining Evil Eddie Munster’s favorite activities - a photo op.

I work in the public sector and have a very good benefit package with decent time off, sick time, and excellent health insurance. We earn more vacation time every 5 years, so starting next year I’ll get an extra week and a half of vacation, having over 150 hours to use. The problem is that my colleague will have

I was raised Catholic but left as an adult, so the cognitive dissonance with the proposed invite of Trump and Pence speaking is strong.

My sister had Obama for her commencement speaker at Michigan and was thrilled. She decided to break the news to my late mother by first telling her that George W. Bush was the speaker. My mother’s reaction: “I want my money back”. Then she told my mother that it was Obama, and her and my father did a happy dance.

Another person living in Madison with family in the Milwaukee area here. Unhinged is probably the most midwestern nice term to describe Clarke. He’s seems to be proof that Clayton Bixby has some basis in reality.

Could this administration also help finish draining the swamp in Wisconsin by ridding us of Walker?

I would love the Sheriff Bart cosplayer to be out of Milwaukee and the state of Wisconsin permanently, but only under Trump would he be seen as qualified for any government position. He’ll fit right in with the rest of the Trump Shady Bunch. However, him and his staff being under investigation for multiple suspicious

My sister who works for the Minnesota Department of Public Health in another area mentioned when I saw her last a couple weeks ago that there was a great deal of concern about this measles outbreak. At the time, she thought there had been maybe 12 to 15 confirmed cases, but the division that handles measles was

The man’s actions made it the situation worse than it was for both the woman and the American employees.