
My poor father who finally came around to accepting he’s really a fiscally conservative Democrat is in shock. His one consolation is that my mother didn’t live to see the orange menace become president. He asked me if I was going to call in sick tomorrow to both deal with my hangover and my shock. He was thinking

We are so fucked. We elected Joffrey Baratheon/Lannister without either Tywin or Tyrion Lannister to restrain him from making any shortsighted decisions that could plunge us into WWIII. God or any higher being help us all.

I voted early two weeks ago in Wisconsin for HRC and Feingold. My mother passed away from cancer in early October and intended to go out today to vote for our first woman president. We wished in retrospect that either my father or someone else had taken her to vote early. She’d be happy today knowing that my father is

I have relatives who usually vote Republican in both national and state elections in Wisconsin. Yes, the Democrats in the family blame them for electing Scott Walker 3 times. At least a decent number of them have said they can’t vote for Trump in good conscious and are voting for Hillary this week. It’s probably the

I agree with you about customers leaving certain important facts out in their complaints, especially in your example about the barista. Of course, the woman’s order wouldn’t come out as she wanted it because she sent her son up. The poor barista didn’t deserve what happened to her simply because the woman was too lazy

I agree with you in the last part. The two men, one with the mask and the other with the chain, are not representative of most Badger fans. More than likely, they are non-students who got their seats in the secondary ticket market, making it harder for UW-Madison to find out who they are and take appropriate action

I also work for another Big 10 public university, albeit one that is a favorite scapegoat of conservative politicians. There’s a job vacancy in my office and one of the three finalists was doing interviews at other places, including a certain school in Columbus, OH. She may have taken that job, which makes sense. I

With both her and Laura Bush, it’s clear that both George H.W. and George W. married women who were more intelligent and capable than they were.

I don’t think that Barbara Bush gets enough credit for being a smart, savvy woman in her own right. It’s clear that George W. Bush got more from his father than from her, especially in the intellectual department. She’s just as good as Michelle Obama when it comes to giving shade, including towards her own sons. I do

Atwood for me as well. She’s an important writer and still an active one. The Handmaid’s Tale has always been relevant and important in the US, but it’s even more timely now.

I agree that so far the side benefits from Rutgers in the Big 10 have been a win. It’s improved the number of top tier NJ recruits choosing Big 10 programs, most notabaly Michigan with its Paramus Central grads (Peppers and McGary). After last week’s game, you could argue that Harbaugh really doesn’t need a New Jersey

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought of the delicious irony of Miranda hosting after the latest Trump sex scandal. I think that Hamilton himself would have more than a few pointed barbs at how Trump has handled this and his campaign in general.

Local and state elections are just as important as national elections, if not more. I live in Wisconsin where we’re stuck with Scott Walker as governor thanks partially to our gubernatorial elections being in non-presidential election years. We’re also stuck with a mayor that can’t stick up for one of the largest

That’s the feeling I get too. I’m sure she’ll be celebrating when they move out in January, as will Barack. If anything, he may enjoy the first couple months of not being president and then be bored, thus annoying her, Sasha, and Malia when she’s around. He can only golf so many times a week.

I like the luggage type bags. They stand out and hold up.

I found a nice travel size one on sale at a local store that sold VB. It wasn’t one of their nauseating prints, but rather one of their more sedate ones. The bag has held up nice with the exception of my cat chewing on the handles.

Outlander’s snubs weren’t surprising. It takes a few years for some series to break in. I was thrilled that The Americans got in this year.

I’d be happy with a 6-6 or 7-5 record and a bowl bid. I think that is what most Big 10 football fans would be happy with for their favorite teams, at least the more sensible ones. Basketball is looking on the upswing as well.

I was more thinking of the women who have taken up her broomstick. I would add Scott Walker and Mike Pence to your list.