
Could we please have Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Laura Ingraham, and Ann Coulter be next to go? That horrid, vile woman paved the way for those harpies to spew their anti-woman hate.

That’s too bad. I live in Madison and that’s too bad that some people were so nasty to you and your friends. Nebraska fans are among the nicer of the Big 10 fans. The Wisconsin State Journal did an article on that subject the last time Nebraska visited two years ago. It was as though their sports writers realized they

My mother, who loathes most Wisconsin sports teams, is following in the footsteps of her late father by muting the Milwaukee news whenever the reporter Packer fanboy gives the latest news on the Packers. She’s gone beyond my grandpa’s muting - he only muted the commercials, she mutes the sports report and the main

Spotted Cow is fine for what it is - craft beer for those more accustomed to Miller Lite. Moon Man is probably their best year round selection and most of their seasonals are worth trying.

Westerns are tricky. AMC had Hell on Wheels, which lasted a couple of seasons, but was under the radar compared to Mad Men and Breaking Bad. They also currently have Preacher, which was never going to a faithful adaptation of the comics due to its content at any network, HBO included, but works with the changes.

It does look promising, but then again so did Vinyl. I hope that the additional time it spent in development helps its quality. HBO needs something to succeed Game of Thrones in the buzzy hour long drama area and this looks like it could be a candidate.

I don’t disagree with him on his point comparing the amount of training needed for cops and cosmetogists. I think that we might have police forces that are more trusted by the people who pay their salaries i.e. the taxpayers if the education requirements were strengthened and by removing veteran preference. The last

As someone who has a female boss now, I have to agree. I have a male coworker who can fuck around by being chronically late, take personal calls on the clock, do his routine tasks half assed and submit statistics to her late , and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. He gets away with it because of a combination of him

I think you made a great point on the caretaker identity. Some people, especially women, get off on being seen as a caretaker and getting praise from others for their perceived selflessness on their seeming patient’s behalf. I’m dealing with multiple people in my own life right now who are overembracing the caregiver

Don’t insult Don Rickles by asking him to play Trump. The man is a genius and a national treasure.

I have a feeling that the VP debate could be just as entertaining as any of the Presidential debates. Kaine seems like a smart and decent person, while Pence on the other hand is complete piece of shit. I hope one of the ladies behind the Periods for Pence facebook group, now Periods for Politicians shows up to give

Please provide a coherent and logical explanation for why Rauner isn’t partially reponsible for Illinois’s financial situation.

In terms of corrupt Illinois politicians, Madigan is minor league compared to George Ryan and Rod Blagojevich, both of which not coincidentally are/have served time in federal prison. We also can’t forget Dennis Hastert, who is also a sex offender.

Even though Rauner has Madigan and the IL Democrats to restain him on trying to push through something similar to Act 10, he still isn’t nearly as socially conservative as Walker. I don’t see him signing TRAP and similar restrictive abortion laws or suing the federal government over them blocking North Carolina’s HB2

I really hate Walker and what he has done to Wisconsin. The sooner that we can be rid of him, the better. I don’t think that public education, both K to 12, and higher education, women, and the environment can take another 4 years of him. His approval ratings have been under 40% for the past year and a half or so,

Rauner isn’t nearly as awful as Walker. I’m originally from Illinois and am grateful that a decent enough percentage of the voters are for the continued existence of public sector unions and less socially conservative than Wisconsin voters. I’d rather have dead people in Chicago vote than some of what constitutes the

I don’t care much for Rauner. I didn’t like him when he was running for governor, but he wasn’t the typical GOP social conservative that had a very selective definition of what is small government. It’s rather sad that controlling a woman’s reproductive system isn’t considered big government. I do have to give him

It’s interesting how recent successes can create selective memories. Prior the the last couple years, Ryan’s Badger teams were notorious for not going beyond the Sweet 16. 2014 and 2015 were exceptions rather than the rule for the men’s basketball team.

You need to get out more and leave the state of Wisconsin.

I think the Volleyball team is underrated on the whole by the Badgers fandom. They’re a very good team and have had consistent under the radar success. I’m thrilled for the Big 10 that they have 4 teams in the pre-season top 10, with Nebraska at #1 and Wisconsin at #4. It would be nice if their success could give the