
And he had to purchase the body because her institution denied her access to some cadavers after inappropriate behavior on her part. She claims the behavior was just entering a room she didn’t have permission to, but knowing her, I’m guessing there’s a little more to that.

Why do people consistently throw away precious hours of their life delivering well-reasoned arguments to assholes who aren’t listening anyway?

I hope she gets all 20 years.  

Found one.

And just like that, he doesn’t give a shit about keeping the shelves tidy, he just played everyone in his marketing campaign. Now everyone is a buzz talking about his chocolate and interacting with his product that weren’t before. He knew this would be divisive causing it to be talked about.

It’s cute that you think there aren’t legions of pathetic adults who spend their lives on the Internet willing to waste their time trying to curry favor with some stupid influencer.

Ok but this one is very funny.

Exploitation is evil.

But, they are. These people have taken the effort to actually record and document their efforts in the hopes he takes notice.

These are grown ass adults.

I feel bad for the Walmart employees who are going to likely have to fix a lot of shit.

Yeah, I mean there are people that get paid to do this, they are called Merchandisers. Anytime you see a big Pepsi display, etc. Merchandisers are the ones doing that sort of thing. So, all in all this is just manipulating a captured audience to provide free labor. It’s pretty Wack but I can think of worse things to

This is cult-leader behavior. 

Pretty sure a millionaire asking the public to clean up his Walmart chocolate display is peak Capitalism.

I will honestly always admire any person who takes the time to clean something up when they have no incentive to. Which mostly applies here (outside of a statistically trivial few who would do it to virtue signal).

I’ve never heard of this guy before, just like I’ve rarely heard of any of the other YouTube or Twitch personalities you routinely post about outside of this website.

Nobody is “erasing ‘woman’ from our lexicon.” Not wanting to abuse a word in defense of a patriarchal version of gender essentialism isn’t “erasing women.”

If you are able to notice somone in the restroom is trans, the pervert is not the trans person...the pervert is you, the creepy cis gender wad sneaking peaks

Every time I see that bathroom nonsense I always wonder what public restrooms these people are using that have someone posted at the door checking genders on the way in.

Also men just attack women all the time in public places. They don’t need to throw on a skirt and infiltrate the ladies room at Target to do it.

“I do not walk around my house thinking about my legacy. What a pompous way to live your life, thinking what will my legacy be,” the author says during the first episode of The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling. “Whatever! I’ll be dead! I care about now. I care about the living.”