
She lies. Nobody is pressuring her to take Ozempic unless it’s her troll husband. She’s just looking for attention and has an article quota if she wants to keep her serious job of writing gate articles for a British tabloid… because no American tabloid wants her.

can’t wait for the sons of bitches in the greys to clutch their pearls about this.

Having suffered abuse as a youth explains a portion of his predilection for inflicting it as an adult, but is absolutely not an excuse.

Okay...hear me out. Melania doesn’t have terrible fashion. Sorry. I dislike myself a little for admitting this, but here we are.

It’s a little unnerving to see this about her in slideshow format. In general could pass on the fascist fashion show.

I agree with the article, but you have to wonder whether they know who Jackie Kennedy was married to/sister-in-law of. Maybe this is a sign that deep beneath Ron DeSantis’s cold evil heart lurks the progressivism of a civil rights crusad-

There’s a high limit to what people in the US will accept in our capitalist hellscape but it’s curious that Sheetz thought, even for a moment, that “The public is going to be on our side with punishing a domestic violence survivor in a country without free access to dental. Our policy is reasonable!”

Same. I have two Twitter accounts, one for myself and one as my podcast presence, and they’ve both declined in quality to such an extent that I find them more annoying than interesting now. So, not only not excited about finding a new platform, but also not excited about using the ones I have!

Honestly, the biggest problem I’ve had with all of them is social media exhaustion. I look at them, start accounts, get enthused for a day, and then...meh. The idea of cobbling together yet another “community” from scratch knowing it could disappear tomorrow at someone’s whim feels like so much more than I’m willing

Tim Allen has a looooong history of shirking any personal accountability whatsoever. He even blamed the libs for getting his latest unfunny network show canceled. (Which was somehow on for TEN years??). Dude, after ten years some things just run their course.

Literally everyone knows this - it’s been public for decades.

He was ‘cleared” in a very conditional way. As stated above, the FBI had enough to charge him but went along with Jolie’s suggestion that it wouldn’t be the best course for either party. Social Services didn’t charge him, but they also prevented him from having unmonitored access to any of the kids - something that

Just a reminder you’re a fucking idiot.

Don’t forget that Pitt also tried to claim that he stood up to Harvey Weinstein, but then went on to make two very good movies with Weinstein and kept quiet about all the sexual harassment, assault, and other abuse.

i forgot the /s but also fuck you dickcheese. 

Stop flirting, I’m not single.