We hired a *looks at application* Roman Polanski already.
We hired a *looks at application* Roman Polanski already.
Mrs. Voorhees remains one of the few slasher movie killers whose motivations for murderin' fools is pretty easy to relate to.
I am very excited to play the The New Colossus
It's a misprint. It's actually An American Werewolf in Paris. It continues the trend of streaming services having the shitty sequels to good movies.
When will we get that Best Defense Blu-ray?!
Go rent it from Redbox, ya cheap bastard!
You close your eyes til you hit the comments, you faker!
I went to the gym once. About 14 years ago. I couldn't figure out why people spend so much time there.
I just realized that I haven't checked Netflix in months. I'm still paying for it. But, Shudder and Rifftrax stuff on Prime are occupying me. Does Netflix still do that thing where all their shows take up the page and they reluctantly point out that there is some other shit like movies, if you must?
I've occasionally wondered that if I were rich and/or desirable, if I'd fuck around.
I probably wouldn't but it would be nice to be in a position to find out.
I can't even afford a Goop.
I thought it was fine as a dramatic movie about a lady and her shitty kid. The horror stuff did nothing for me.
How dare you!
Hey guys. My Josh Wheldon Angelfire site is still going strong.
I fucking told you bastards!
-Ryan Lockte.
No. You lick another kid's finger and dip it. More hygienic.
Were you not arrested for making English food flavorful? Or flavourfull?
*When compared to ordering McNuggets at the McDonald's drive-thru.
That dog animated feature was very popular.