We missed out on a Ghostbusters 2, Highlander 2 or Matrix 3 situation.
We missed out on a Ghostbusters 2, Highlander 2 or Matrix 3 situation.
Know what was kinda great in the movie? That we only got glimpses of the TV episodes without having to sit through 22 episodes of it.
There are a thousand Trek episodes and maybe 6 or 7 episodes of that McFarlane Trek thing before it gets cancelled.
It's a short version of min-maxing. It's where gang members use spreadsheets to get the most out of their RPG characters.
I have no interest in the game but I would like to play Jak and Daxter again. So if Jak doesn't get a solo PS4 release, I guess I'll buy this.
I guess the opposite of this is people who feel that should be able to wear head dresses, have a sweet wolf tee shirt and feel really close to the Earth because they are 1/128th American Indian.
Look. As long you you feel that you are white and feel that everyone else is inferior trash then you are a white supremacist. If you are a bit too dark to pass there is always the Klan with the hoods much like Blazing Saddles, a comedy that couldn't be made these days because of crybaby libs. Of course Blazing…
I think he's acute.
Boobs can also be angry white guys with tiki torches.
Hookers on the Point? That vice?
I gave all my money to Joel Osteen. He said that Jesus said that God said that jet fuel is expensive and he needs my help to spread the Bible.
It's getting to where a guy can't hate people no more. Someday we will get back to a place where a man can hate another man or woman for no good reason.
the 4 head VCRs made this slightly better. Not great but just good enough.
Do they?, he said pretending that he didn't know about and use them.
I recall Robin Williams using that same joke in the Met special.
I daresay it will have a happy ending.
When I was a lad I had to mark times on a piece of paper where the good scenes on my 6 hour random scenes VHS tapes were.
Get orf yer phone, ya feckin' cheatah.
That's nice. The mother and son are 8 years apart and share an interest in shitty face tattoos.
Where's the black fella?
-Steve bannon.
Hold on. I'll raise my hand in a moment.