Fun fact: The Road was based on the time Cormac McCarthy did a book signing in St. Louis.
Fun fact: The Road was based on the time Cormac McCarthy did a book signing in St. Louis.
Which hose?
My grandfather said it pretty often. I can only assume in his youth that lots of kids died to cornbread.
Old enough to use the phrase "Old enough to eat cornbread without choking."
Well, that just ruined several seasons of Perry Mason and Matlock.
Thanks, jerk.
Lawyer: What can you tell us about Dr. Luke?
Gaga: He's an asshole with no medical degree!
*jury gasps*
Jury foreman: No wait. We already knew that.
Zombi no go Staples. Workers too pushy. Zombi just take brains zombi can get.
They say, out beyond human sight, there exists a planet made of ice cream. Super-obese astronaut Mike Creamer set out on a mission to discover it.
Well, they would be happy if they knew what their masters accomplished. So thanks, slavery.
-reposted Breitbart comments.
Well, we invented the AI that kills us. I don't see no dumbass dolphin do that.
"weren’t communicating in English, but rather a new language that the humans couldn’t understand."
No one speaks Italian bowling.
*flat, emotionless*
Goddamn you, Cypher.
It has to put the other guy in an awkward position.
On the one hand, he's still getting a paycheck. On the other, he knows that the producers are just biding their time to get rid of him.
Remember in Cool As Ice when a Vanilla Ice song played over a montage?
It was everything.
Bon Jovi wanted to party. Springsteen was just doing songs about his love of Reagan and America.
I had Springsteen at my 15th birthday party. I cursed at my parents because I wanted Bon Jovi.
Just because they are both from Jersey doesn't mean they are the same thing, mom!!
We'll always have Raul Julia and Street Fighter.
Why would we celebrate animal slavery, you monster!?!