
Meh. The mall's across town and I don't buy $150 sneakers all that often.

Occasionally, when I go to Target in the morning, I will get a macchiato.
I had no idea they had tea stores. Because those aren't in my local Target.

I vaguely recall reading The Corrections. I think I liked it well enough but couldn't tell you anything about it other than I vaguely recall reading it.

He told you he had the high ground but you didn't listen.

Jack "All I Need" Wagner?

On the one hand, I really like this Dean Koontz Odd Thomas 7 book. On the other hand, these New York intellectuals with excoriate me if I admit it.
Whatever shall I do?

Jonathan Franzen, for one!

I will never forgive her for what she said about Twilight.
It wasn't unreadable trash! That Wallace asshole with his 1000 page shit books with no vampires, sparkling or shirtless wolfboys is unreadable trash!!!

Is it world's tiniest violin or I have many dollars? So confusing with rich people involved.

Mr. Hannity and Mr. Limbaugh have finally caught up to me. Someday, when the demoCRAPs destroy the country I will be sitting pretty.

Alton George, 74 of Boise, Idaho has been putting change into large wine jugs since 1957. He currently has $12967.45 in pennies.

Yesterday, a billionaire briefly considered giving a bum some change but he only had dollars and didn't.

Dear Mr. DelMonte,
While I would love to pay you $1 Billion dollars for the return of my accountant, there are many other CPAs out there.
Instead I offer you 12,373 fidget spinners we can't move.
Yours, The Bez.

Silly boy. Feet don't have teeth.
It's pederasty

I paid in blood oaths. I swore to keep all kids off the lawn, watch CBS and FOXNews, eat dinner at 3pm for the early bird and always vote Republican.
In exchange, I get a magazine and 10% off 1 small coffee at McDonald's.

We get it You saw Fight Club and it changed your life. Let it go, man.

Stop begging. I will give you a penny from the $100 bill I have.

I look at Amazon on my Windows PC. It's all my fault.

The kids really wanted Lego Batman.

I am proud to be the 7,456,154,147th richest person in the world.
Hanzel Dipthong rented something from Redbox yesterday and lost his spot.