The best version of Wild Thing feat. Jessica Hahn's new tits ever.
The best version of Wild Thing feat. Jessica Hahn's new tits ever.
Gordy really liked money. Little known fact there.
That is what's their name. You know they did Bodies.
I just get a picture of the Fabulous Freebirds from rasslin' and Highlander.
I've had friends post about it. Which surprised me. I know I was over my teen anger stuff by time they rolled around.
I bought that on tape and recall liking it.
My favorite rap record at the time was Rodney Dangerfield's Rappin' Rodney
I hope you said, "Simon get off my wife."
And he was all, "No."
And you've been stewing over that for 5 years and have the best comeback now but they aren't touring.
It was all skinny ties and keytars when I was in middle school. So Big Country or something.
I was going more for inserting that bit of footage in the videos. Not a hologram exactly more an editing trick with that one.
Tupac's estate and Sublime are all, "Have you heard about these revenue generating holograms?"
A Dozen Lorna Dune Cookies
The Loot Crate Story.
Haha! Joke's on you. I have dyslexia and it makes no sense!
But only Batman could escape an inescapable ground hole prison in India or somewhere, head to Gotham and draw a big bat symbol in gasoline in 5 hours.
I have a listening problem. Could you explain it again?
He's an angry Frank Millerite Batman who was really pissy because he had to be in Suicide Squad.
That was Michael "Batman" Keaton in Jack Frost and he was da snowman.
I saw 3 movies with him Batmanning. He was the Batman for a while there.
Dan Marino.
Chuck Norris and Rambo are the ones getting the POWs.