
Yeah, Top Gun: Maverick’s staying power should be the story of these charts; how long has it been since a movie’s shown such strong legs? But I guess it’s not what Sam wants to write about.

I’m going to disagree that there is nothing interesting happening in these charts as it is difficult to put into words how absurd the numbers for Top Gun Maverick are.

Amazing how Sonic 2 is still in there. That movie’s been out on video for quite some time, and I even saw the other day that it was on the Epix channel.

Just to be clear, Williams is currently not subject to a conservatorship or guardianship. WF is asking for such clarity to be enforced and two courts now have agreed with them. They’d only do this if way too many people have access to Williams’ accounts and she can’t explain why they do when they do contact her. If

Yeah. I think it’s 100% this, some people find the entire concept confusing (even in this very chain of comments someone seems unable to grasp that Buzz is as real in the Toy Story universe as Captain America is in ours and that this movie is basically the kind of blockbuster film Andy and his family would go watch)

And I’M the one in the grays?

...for no tangible reason, presented with no evidence.

Wendy’s head in that header image looks like it was hastily pasted on in Photoshop.

I don’t recall seeing he’s a Trump supporter. He’s a Republican I know but I assumed he fell into that small subset that aren’t fans of Trump. I’ll admit that is mostly based on who his father in law is who has been vocally anti-Trump. But he can afford to be since he’s not running for office anywhere anymore.

I know Chris Pratt gets a lot of hate around these parts but I think when he is cast well he can still be funny. He’s fun as Star Lord, Emmet and Andy on Parks and Rec. It’s just when he goes serious action Star he kinda sucks

It is a shame Triumph is wasted doing bits on Colbert. He was a way better match on Conan.

This is nowhere in the fucking vicinity of a bingo. Anyone with more than three brain cells and an iota of intellectual honesty (i.e. EVERYONE in this thread) understands the terminology denotes the *attempt* at a cancellation and toxic proclivities of a witch hunt culture that seeks to dogpile a new “main character”

> he hung out with Quentin Tarantino and Leonardo DiCaprio…and apparently played Werewolf.

Short answer: Emphatically yes.

Longer answer: In the Disney era of star wars, they have done quite a lot to show just how horrifically powerful Vader is. Prior to that there wasn’t nearly as much exploration of Vader’s power. Multiple storylines in the comics have gone out of their way to show the Vader can’t be

Agreed. All media should be made out of spite. (And thankfully it's kind of already happening.)

Sounding insincere is an issue, especially if you are trying to win over a jury. And if you are a professional actress, who is expected to be able to portray emotions in a convincing manner, I would think that a jury would particularly question why you can’t sound sincere talking about your own life.

I only mentioned my personal example to help explain why it’s hard for me to believe someone in a similar situation. Especially when both parties were proven to have lied about various aspects of this case.

(I absolutely refuse to take a stance on the relative guilt/innocence of Depp and Heard in all this, so the following is not to be taken as a comment on the trial verdict or an attempt to subtly influence people one way or the other, I’m self-aware enough to know I don’t have and probably never will have enough info

I don’t know if I believe her. To me, it sounds like someone trying to save face after losing in court and the growing public backlash against them. I can’t blame her, but, and I realize this is a personal anecdote, can’t trust her word right now because she reminds me of someone in my life who followed a similar

Ah, yes, you covered seven years of Legends while ignoring coverage of countless better series, and films. You certainly have been “building spaces”, AV Club.