He’ll be okay. For some reason, the Idiot Mute community tends to not be very vocal.
He’ll be okay. For some reason, the Idiot Mute community tends to not be very vocal.
Between this, and her trying to blame Anthony Bourdain for her own dirty work, I’ve heard just about enough. Bake her away, toys!
What better place to start a discussion than from the “pending” section where nobody’s gonna see this, on a website nobody really goes on anymore:
Hey, these people work hard to bring us their one-sentence articles with no headlines! They deserve a break just as much as any coal mine workers out there!
“Clinton or whatever his last name is”
Urkel may have been the breakout character, but at its heart Family Matters was a show about a blue collar African American family, and the Winslows got plenty of their own storylines that addressed some surprisingly heavy topics at times. There’s room for a show to be about more than just one thing, you know.
So, no review of the new album? Just a newswire about this wiener’s conflicted feelings about appearing on it? Why must you continue to disappoint me?
A rapper shamelessly promoting himself? Well, now I’ve heard just about everything!
I caught up on some of the new music that the kids are listening to this past weekend, such as Post Malone, Cardi B, and a number of others whose names invariably begin with “Lil”. Let me fill you in: it’s all garbage.
Because he was incredibly unconvincing, so they gave the role to someone they knew could pull it off?
This guy doesn’t even know whether it’s gonna be on Hulu or Netflix!
This site has been accused of turning into shallow, mindless clickbait in the past couple years, but this is actually sort of the opposite of clickbait: the whole article can easily be read from the main page. So why even bother to click at all?
When they said “Development Hell”, they were actually referring to the site itself. They can barely afford headlines anymore! And they tend to save the full-paragraph articles for important things, like a celebrity saying something questionable on Twitter.
I hate Twitter, but I’m actually sort of impressed that someone was able to really tap into the insipid, meaningless nature of tweets in order to do all this without anybody even noticing until it was finished. Even if it meant spending months tweeting random shit about Scaramouche and Bismillah.
The AV Club
“Shitty tweets”? These are the only tweets remotely worth reading!
You know what else hasn’t aged gracefully?
Eh. Limp Bizkit was for frat bros, KoRn was for the weird kids. They may have both been technically the same genre, but from what I recall, their demographics were pretty different.
And yet, somehow he failed to bring out The Greendale Human Being for this! It would’ve really driven his point home.