Anus Presley

So…is the new reboot gonna be called Friday the 13th again? The worst thing about these reboots is that I'll see them in the TV listings and get excited it might be the classic movie- then it's just the shitty reboot. This happens all the time with The Karate Kid and Evil Dead. Get more creative with naming these

That sounds about right. I first saw Clerks when i was around 13 and I instantly loved it for how filthy it was… it also taught me a ton of new sexual euphemisms (like snowballing, which, is that actually a thing?) I can definitely see its flaws but for its time there's no other movie quite like it. Its still not

David Cross has announced Seven Mary Three are back in the studio.

I'm so glad Troy can finally talk to Levar Burton now. Their interaction in "Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking" is classic cringe comedy, but every time I watch it I feel bad that Troy's idol must think he's a total fucking weirdo.

It made me laugh how instantly dated that aspect of the episode seemed. It could have been intentional though, like that Adam Blake and Ders are so clueless that they're just getting into dubstep now, well past its moment of relevance.

The problem with Girls isn't necessarily that it's about terrible people, but that it seems to take itself too seriously without really giving us any reason to care about the characters. This show hit all the right notes though, and I'm looking forward to seeing more.

John K tends to draw women with exaggerated figures, much like R. Crumb. The buck teeth are dead on though, not to mention those stupid little knot things in her hair. And I like that he always incorporates Ren and Stimpy into his caricatures.

I can definitely understand not liking this song(even though it strikes me as a postmodern parody of a bad song, which actually kinda makes me like it). But then he goes on to insult "Stand", as well as basically the rest of R.E.M.'s catalog? Fuck this guy.

"I don't see why Rainier Wolfcastle should be the star. I think we should bring
back Dirk Richter. Kids will want to see the original Radioactive Man."
"I keep telling you, he's 73 years old and he's DEAD."

Yeah, I love that even in death he's still great at finding ways to pit the group against each other.

As consistently funny as the Kroll Show's been so far, the best Kroll character is still Stu Balls Omnicorp.

He was killed off at the end of The Simpsons Movie, but has made appearances on the show since then.

Good riddance to Jimmy/Steve. This show already has enough ground to cover with not only the Gallaghers, but also Kev/V and Sheila. Jimmy's pointless sub-plots tended to drag quite a few of the episodes down last season. I enjoyed the little callback to him Carl made upon meeting Mike though: "So is Mike your real

Last time the Comic Book Guy had a girlfriend, it was Skinner's mom. Give the poor bastard a break.

"I'm scared people will find out what I masturbate to!!" is like a perfect Troy line.

Too bad one of the prizes isn't the ability to make Kevin Hart go away. I'm so sick of seeing this guy pop up in almost every movie trailer with his "short black guy" bit.

Mixed feelings on this one. It was great seeing Duncan and Starburns again, and the mystery of the ass crack bandit had a lot of funny moments(after all, I'm into butt stuff). This show is really good at being witty and low-brow all at once. The reveal of Pierce's death at the end was way too abrupt and poorly handled

He plagiarized his dick pics from an ad on Craigslist.

I hope Starburns makes an appearance this season, he's my favorite of the side-characters.

Who says a mustache has to go across the WHOLE lip.