Anus Presley

Go fuck a refrigerator, pecker neck!!

How does this list not include Lester Bangs rocking out to The Stooges in Almost Famous?

That sounds more like something that Adam Scott and Adult Swim would do.

I saw that last night. I thought it was a fascinating look at a mentally ill stand up comic with delusions of grandeur, but it seems to have a very limited appeal, so putting it on at midnight kinda makes sense to me.

It seemed to me he's supposed to be a twitchy nervous wreck kind of like Tweek from South Park. As the ending implied, he might also have a "syndrome" of some sort.

So wait, who ended up winning the contest to be on an episode of The Simpsons? Was it Roy?

Nah this episode was crap, and I'm usually one to stick up for Family Guy. Killing off Brian(even temporarily) is a real slap in the face to the fans who have stuck with the show despite its declining quality, and replacing him with some generic mobster dog is just a pathetic ratings stunt. I kept hoping that Vinnie

On your feet pal, I wanna see how tough you are!! Just take the first shot. Come on, that's all I need, just one swing…
…That's what I thought. You're a gutless turd.

So is Eastbound and Down the Animated Series still happening? I think they ended this show in the most ideal possible way and hope they leave it at that, but a cartoon seems like the best way to keep going with Kenny Powers' adventures.