Disgruntled Goatse

Hey, we've all been kicked out of the Nixon Library, one time or another, that doesn't mean we should be barred from voting.

Eh, that never stopped Rupert Murdoch.

Or like having 10,000 mistresses when all you need is a wife.

I'd say the people who think the CIA teleported a teenage Obama to Mars are stupider, but they're probably the same crowd as the Sandy Hook deniers.

You'd be wise to familiarize yourself with his work, with the way the GOP is going he'll be the nominee in 2020.

"Lap 'em by the pussy. You can date anything."


Not only is God dead, but just try to find an editor on weekends.

God will be/(is) (d)e(a)dited from the headline.

I think we all know the perfect combination, but maybe we're a bit too afraid to say it. I'll admit that I've always been a Rorelai shipper.

In Soviet Hillmerica, pussy grabs you!

Hey! That's my campaign slogan!

#LastTimeTrumpPaidTaxes Leonard Pierce was President!

Fukunaga and Guillermo del Toro need to team up so they can not make things together.


I thought he was there for the 7,000 peanut butter sandwiches.

I can't believe I watched the whole thing.


Eh, my point was that they didn't cut to Holland Taylor.

"I love you Holland Taylor."