Disgruntled Goatse

Do you really have to axe?

The A.V. Club

Gamma a minute and I'll think of a pun to rival yours.

Netflix needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine.

The A.V. Club

My mom says I'm the best thing about Tucson.

Come to Tucson. I saw Mistress America for $4.23 today.

I figure he's some guy. Some guy named Gabbo.

I don't get it, but I'll upvote it anyway.

The A.V. Club

Yew know it will.

The A.V. Club

I believe the term for that is the Unhammy Valley.


Classic Poland.

It's going to be a real Catullus for change.

That was my hypothetical answer from an R candidate. Ask my hypothetical candidate instead.

A cousin of mine, on her first trip to Arizona, asked me what the difference between Mexico and New Mexico was. Until that time she was unaware that New Mexico was a state. I was nine, she'd just passed the bar exam in New Jersey. I still make fun of her for it.

Geography is for Commies!

What is it with dicks?