Anus Presley

People in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks, guys.

Exactly. Nugent’s is mostly just coming from a place of ignorance and stupidity, which is pretty expected coming from him. Stallone’s tweet is oozing with disturbing hatred for these kids that have been through enough already.

Exactly. Nugent’s is mostly just coming from a place of ignorance and stupidity, which is pretty expected coming from him. Stallone’s tweet is oozing with disturbing hatred for these kids that have been through enough already.

“...Celebrity ASMR, which is exactly what it sounds like”

If that were actually true, you would be rich and famous, rather than just one of the least-loved commenters on a rapidly declining pop culture site.

Even 5 years ago, that joke had been stale for about 15 years.

Many of the same sad fucks that still go to The AV Club! There’s a lot of overlap.

Heh! People were idiots back then. (Eats a Nintendo Switch cartridge dipped in Tide)

(Listens to Siamese Dream, still enjoys it)

I’m still a Nine Inch Nails fan, but the idea of filling up your CD case with dirt is fucking hilarious. Take THAT, people who still buy physical media!!

“The internet is full of pandering, anti-Trump ‘comedy’...”

Seems very awkwardly-worded, but whatever floats your boat I guess! Who gives a fuck, it’s not like they’re replacing all preexisting Mother’s Day cards with this silly PC version. It’s just one card; let ‘em have it.

When it comes to Iggy Pop, I tend to prefer the music he did with The Stooges. Those albums are absolutely essential. His solo stuff is still good, but somewhat inconsistent.

If the “iHeartRadio Awards” is anything other than an elaborate ruse to lure all these terrible people into the same room and detonate it, why even bother having them?

Eh, someone like McLevy probably shouldn’t be employed as a critic in the first place if he’s going to be having these weird meltdowns in his own comment section like this. Really unprofessional shit, even by the low standards that have been established at the “new” AV Club these past several months.

I like “Generation Z”. It implies that it will be the last generation ever, and that sounds about right to me!

Well he’s never gonna get one if he keeps acting like a remastered Tipper Gore!

Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos!

A deeply socially awkward man who tries to relate to people through poorly-timed Simpsons references?

How about, rather than assessing your passengers Terminator-style like this weirdo, you just ask them if they have a preferred radio station they like?