“Looks like those misogynists at Uber are at it again. What a bunch of misogynists.”
“Looks like those misogynists at Uber are at it again. What a bunch of misogynists.”
As of late, they do seem to be a lot less about celebrating pop culture, and more about deriding it for being problematic, even in the most microscopic way possible. It’s not very fun to read, and yet here I am, too lazy to try to find a new pop culture site to go to instead.
Just the other day, I was wondering what kind of person is dumb enough to think signing a change.org petition will cause a new law to go into effect. Recognitions is exactly who i was picturing. This is his version of “activism”, and he didn’t even have to leave the basement to do it!
My thoughts exactly. The fact that she’d almost certainly be more capable than Trump means nothing... literally anyone would be more competent than he is. The guy has fucking dementia; it’s a very low bar to clear. How about we just stop pretending that celebrities with absolutely no political experience somehow…
So, this ludicrous windbag is resorting to dusting off an old, unsuccessful Tipper Gore censorship campaign from the 90s to try to divert people’s attention from an actual issue? SAD!
FCCk this guy.
I certainly wouldn’t go that far, but I do kinda miss when Gawker was its own separate, awful but easily avoidable thing. Now its evil spirit is using The AV Club as a host body.
“Hold my beer.” -Steven Universe fans
Wish I could upvote this more than once. Unlike most so-called “action heroes”, Mr. T is a true badass, and doesn’t just play one on TV. Plus, he’s a great role model for the kids to emulate.
The fact that Mr. T is still pitying fools several decades later is incredibly endearing, and one of the few things we can always count on no matter what.
Aww... but they had so much in common!
I met this guy at Ozzfest during the “Party Hard” days, and am pleased to report he’s every bit as wonderful as he seems. One of the nicest rock stars around.
(Sorry, I recognize this is a serious topic. It’s just hard to resist when you hand us a perfect set-up for an “AV Club” meme like that.)
The AV Club
Meh. Unless these pods rapidly destroy my insides, no sale!
Well, he certainly looks the part!
Excuse me?? “Talking Anus” is wayyyy cooler than “Riddleberger”!
Nah. She gets paid millions upon millions of dollars to sing, she failed miserably at that last night, so people on the internet made some jokes about it. Give me a fucking break with this attempt to make her out to be some scrappy, lovable underdog.
Banjos aren’t popular? Then why does pretty much every new “rock” band on the radio these days sound like a crappy Mumford and Sons knockoff?
So... maybe don’t go to a website called “Trumpdating.com” expecting it to be a haven of enlightenment? This article is basically the journalistic equivalent of deliberately stepping in dogshit, then spending the rest of the day complaining that you now smell like shit.