I feel a bit guilty because I pondered how he'd fare in a South Korean jail if he's arrested for that incident.... I may have smiled to myself when I thought about it. But at least I'm not as bad as he apparently is.
I feel a bit guilty because I pondered how he'd fare in a South Korean jail if he's arrested for that incident.... I may have smiled to myself when I thought about it. But at least I'm not as bad as he apparently is.
He only gets away with being such a dick because he has a bunch of bodyguards who won't let anyone give him the ass beating he so richly deserves.
He is seriously the absolute worst. Also, every "selfie" with the "who meeeeeee?" raised eyebrows makes him look like a bell end. The worst.
Is it wrong that I eagerly await the arrest of his royal douchness Bieber?
The teachers thing kills me. There's a law that requires teachers to report shit like this. My mind is blown by that.
It's not slut shaming - it's moron shaming!!!
I have boobs, yet am still mesmerized by them. They're lovely as tea trays, cozy cushions for the weary, dispensers of nutrition and sireens that call the sailors into the shoals of certain death. You're just fighting a losing battle here people.
it's still the fifth most deadly armed conflict the world has ever seen
COD will probably never enter WW1 or any conflict before it because it's formula has always been "World War (2)/Balls-to-the-Wall" Action. I'm talking about machine guns at the palms of your hands, tanks busting through walls, constantly blowing shit up, variety of level designs, or just anything that is straight-up…
More moral ambiguity? There wasn't really a clear good or bad guy. The entire war was basically pointless.
This would be how a WWI game would go:
Why no first person shooters of the French and Indian wars? The Hundred Year War? The Conquest on Teotihuacan??? Pizzarro Conquers the Inca? King Kamehahameaahdjskahdbwjkakhd Hawiian rise to power?!?!? The Maori Wars(prebritish colonization) Yaxunah vs Chichen Itza Maya Throwdown Spectacular?!?!?
One of the other pleasant facts about WWI is that The sovereigns of Britain, Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary were all distantly related to each other; the whole conflict smacks of aristocratic cousins fighting over their toys, with ordinary men being put through the meat grinder as a consequence.
Well, given that the US, despite only entering the war rather late, decided they'd have to make everyone else's mistakes all over again and inflated their casualty rates by charging fortified positions head on, I can see why especially US companies are a bit reluctant to produce a game in which the chief saving grace…
The commercial pitch for the product is just as, if not even more, trivializing to your condition. It's a real problem with a real solution that has significant side effects, not that you'd know it from the commercials.
We call it "F* like a Pirate Day". Unfortunately, it comes but once a year. Arr.
Wait ... we're now calling male ass play "pegging"?!? What sort of soft, non-assertive, wussification of sexual gratification is this?!?
I scanned the article to see if I somehow missed a glaring reference to Chief Pegging Bull, but this was fortunately not the case.
As a straight guy, no. She can bring it up respectfully (and I'll politely decline) but there will be a very loud fight if a phallic object gets in me by surprise.