
And when they drive a car through your march and kill you?


Yeah, that’s fair. I liked the modern stuff until the end. I really hate that they seem to not want to repeat more of the future Desmond sections; Watch Dogs is an okay substitute, but I loved the Brazil mission in 3 and I’d like to do that more often.

I disagree though. For another example, I think it’d be fair to think vampires were an oversaturated narrative feature a few years back, even though it was mostly films and books. I think consumers can definitely feel fatigued by things across forms of media.

While I think AC games will sell no matter what, I don’t think it’s fair to tell people to ignore other forms of media. People watch TV a lot, they watch movies a lot, and that colors what they’re after. You could probably strip out other forms of media if the game is pretty light on story (IE it’s pretty gameplay

I actually have a soft spot for 3's story, especially now that I’m replaying it. It’s the first AC to not have the villains be cartoon villains, and it’s the first one to really throw some moral grey at the Assassins. I’ve always hated the obvious “good guys are super good, bad guys are Hitlers” stories, so it was

The rule of thumb for a movie is that you have to at least double the stated production budget as there’s no hard and fast rule about reporting a full write-up of your costs (E.G. marketing is never included in those released production budgets). Studios can even lie if they want! I think one of the Pirates movies has

You should be cautious. This one had a bug in it that led the mods on Neogaf to lock the thread about this app. The creator said it’s just bug and not malicious, but still.

I play a lot of League and have been playing since Season 2. I don’t even own Lee (not my style). I don’t think he’s broken because I’m not trash at the game. You should get better if a dash tilts you so badly.

Yes, that’s true. The enemy team ended up wasting the time they invested in trying to take Baron. Also, I forgot to mention that Baron gives the team that took it an instant 300 gold each, no matter what, so that’s a good reason to go for a steal as well.

Your first paragraph doesn’t really make sense. You claim ward hopping is a broken ability (and Elise can rappel onto wards if I’m not mistaken), but it’s objectively worse than just being able to jump over a wall, which well over half of the champs in the game can do. You even mention two other champs (Ekko and Fizz)

Nah, death timers have been changed for like a year so that you can reasonably hold out in a siege. You would have to pick some good wave clear champs, but that’s pretty meta anyway.

If you die, you lose the buff. So teams frequently end up losing ground in the game by taking the Baron but getting wiped afterwords. Here, this steal is insane, but notice that he dies for it, and two of his teammates were also already dead (meaning they don’t get the buff). So ultimately, this steal (epic as it was)

I’m a white ally and I’d describe myself as pretty passionate about social justice. My philosophy as a leftist has always been to be the most concerned about social issues since I’m a poor white guy; my economic leftism benefits me directly in every way, so that’s easy. My social leftism directly advocates for a

I explicitly said that I’m not talking about selling systems, but games. If GTA online stopped working on one system but not the other, someone is losing millions.

The kid excuse is garbage. It’s a business move.

They actually might though when they think about where to buy these games. Ask yourself: why would anyone want to buy the PS4 version of Minecraft after this? You could try to say that everyone who wants Minecraft already bought it, but that game still charts multiple times a year ahead of new releases. It sells

I mean, it’s the opposite of what you’re saying here though. Sony’s making a claim that the reason they won’t do this is for business reasons. Most people are (correctly) pointing out that Sony is a corporation that deserves no sympathy and so business excuses mean dick.

Eh, one or two games isn’t going to cause someone to switch consoles. However if you own multiple consoles, why would you buy the PS4 version of these games? It’s not been rendered blatantly inferior (especially Minecraft, the PS4 version will be pretty behind the others).

My friends and I all mentioned that about MS’s conference as well. Almost none of the games had a PR person come out and talk about them; they just ended and trailer and then BAM, here’s the start of another trailer.