I will never understand our obsession with looking for lying victims. I’m sorry for what someone did to you.
I will never understand our obsession with looking for lying victims. I’m sorry for what someone did to you.
My point wasn’t to compare them. It’s just the way the statement is framed here makes it seem like Faker and other League players are paupers or something. It’s missing context.
Just to clarify: that’s just Faker’s prize money. His salary is high in the six figures.
I’ll always recommend on articles about the Spelling Bee that people go watch the Cheap Seats episode where they watch one of the Bees. It always gets me rolling.
This is a great move for the long term health of the league.
Cash prizes for winning games means dick to most of these teams, certainly the popular ones. Sponsorship deals for them bring in way more cash, and now that Riot is doing this revenue sharing plan, the teams will get money shared among themselves for streaming and merch too.
Yeah, with League, there are over a dozen regions worldwide, and 5 of them are generally considered “main” regions, with several teams in each one.
It is an independent organization. It’s just being funded in the first few years (maybe less time) until the players get enough revenue through the new system to pay dues into it like a real sport.
First, I did not play Destiny at launch or ever (even though I have a copy that I was given) because it didn’t seem worth $60 to me. But that’s not some dastardly indictment of Bungie; it’s a common occurrence in literally any business/consumer relationship. I buy what is worth buying that I can afford. I do not buy…
Other than Amazon (and Walmart I think) nowhere near me sells used video games. I also don’t care about used vs new, but I don’t buy at launch. For me, I buy when a game hits a price I’d like, preferably digital as it’s more convenient and I feel safer with a digital account (when my consoles/games were stolen from my…
Seriously, those guys live for moments like that.
GameStop’s declining relevance makes this a moot point. Shooting yourself in the foot with a nail gun isn’t illegal either but nobody wants to do it.
1) Someone ends up thinking 360 games require a subscription to play every month.
Terrible point. The best chance for my team to win the game is to have my pitchers throwing hard at batters, and to have my batters “slip” and send some bats towards the other dugout. This is clearly bullshit, so it’s penalized.
This isn’t really a great point though. A lot of linemen in the NFL would defend their career game times because they make millions for their families, but that still doesn’t mean we should let them turn their brains into Swiss cheese on national television.
Probably. She’d be working with less info in the moment.
Exactly what I thought when I saw that acronym.
Justice includes some revenge. Otherwise we also wouldn’t be in favor of life sentences (where rehabilitation doesn’t get you anything).
Other way, right? The defense would have argued this.