
Honestly, this is just not my experience in normal games. I just played a game with a Warwick mid and a Teemo support; the whole team was chill with it (and it sucked hard, we lost really badly). If you just tell people ahead of time, they can try to work with you (with the WW mid, our jungler went with someone that

Yeah, exactly. It’s not explicitly stated what counts as “abuse” but companies like Amazon have this policy as well (where if you try to repeatedly get refunds they block your account).

Keep tabs on how accurate they are. No one really scripts less than 100% accuracy; if the enemy Lee literally never misses, they’re scripting.

So a few points:

I’ve literally never had this issue. Live Chat, 24/7, always quick, usually instant fixes once I explain.

You misunderstand Play Anywhere; the PC version you get is through the Windows Store, not Steam or anything. So if you bought the PC copy of RE7 through them (since that gives you an Xbox copy if that’s your thing) they got a cut just like you buying the Xbox game.

But that’s the advantage for MS. It’s not like they need you to buy their console (with a whopping $10 or thereabouts in profit) to do good business. The software sales in this business are king; if Console A sells 10M units but never sells a game while Console B sells 5M units and sells games to all of them, Company

This is how my program is set up, except we do “get” to buy in on the employee health plan at about $500 a year (which is great).

This isn’t really accurate for Boruto’s character though.

It does mention League, which still does both (Pro scene is always behind the current patch).

I don’t know that anyone’s pointed this out yet, but you need to think about the weapons in BotW like ammo clips in a shooter. I get that you want to use that new badass sword you found right away, but if I phrase it like “I want to use this Fuel Rod Cannon on this pack of grunts in Halo” the answer is obviously

Yeah, for sure. I think if TL got relegated, they’d only keep Piglet around and rebuild around him. I was shocked to see that they’ve actually kept the like 5 midlaners they’ve had last year (Goldenglue, Arcsecond, Youngbin, and Link have all played that role, I think, to little success).

That’s not always true. A lot of TSM fans, for instance, say Peter, Kevin, or Soren instead of Doublelift, Hauntzer, or Bjergsen. Some people like the familiarity.

This isn’t necessarily true though anymore; most teams these days are committed to long-term investments, and Liquid’s been around for awhile (their owner being one of the Three Kings of Steve, Regi, and Jack). So even if they get relegated, Liquid would probably just use the CS time to overhaul their roster with some

You don’t get to retire the jersey, it retires you(r Super Bowl hopes).

Gonna need an update

“Tournament-level players” are quite literally those people climbing the ladder and who make it far. That’s how teams recruit people; you climb the ladder (which is public) and teams notice “hey that guy isn’t signed with an organization and he’s tearing up the leaderboards, let’s get him here for some tryouts.”

Not quite accurate with your assessment there. Other people are spending an hour to play too, and their time is just as valid as yours. And no, if you lose, you all lose rankings.

Taking a non-ADC (to be clear, this means marksmen) means taking either a magic damage champion or a physical damage melee champ. If you take the former, your team is stacked with magic and you could get totally negated by the enemy team rushing magic resist. If the latter, then you’re dead against a ranged champ for

I don’t agree with this at all. In most of my games where someone opens with “Mind if I play X?” they usually get “Sure, whatever” in response, especially if they back it up with something (“I promise, I usually win doing this”)