Anton Shreve

Really. No one who supports antifa's effort can explain how their tactics have successfully combated white supremacy when it's obvious the opposite occurred, and yet I'm the dumb fuck who doesn't know what they're talking about.

Once again, stated for the record: on Ted Cruz's honeymoon, his wife sent him out to pick up groceries and he totally fucked that up. He got this right on the first try.

Oh, Kip. Napoleon would be so disappointed in you. What a dang shame.

You're still avoiding my core question: if antifa is supposedly making it more dangerous for white supremacists to organize with the expectation that white supremacists will be organizing less, why are we seeing the exact opposite? If antifa is stepping up their game in the wake of the resurgence of white supremacy

So why isn't history showing this presently? Why are white supremacist groups seemingly more aggressively organizing knowing that antifa groups are ready to meet them and are overtly encouraging conflict? Why are they showing up with makeshift riot gear now in anticipation of clashing with armed counter-protesters?

Don't worry. I didn't forget about you.

Fuck you, Dharma Bumstead.

Yes, because it's not like whipping white supremacists with bike locks has started some sort of protest arms race or anything.

And Ted Cruz couldn't even handle shopping for groceries on his honeymoon!

Me too, but you're looking a mob of white people who are so terrified that they might no longer be the center of the universe they're willing to get as ugly as possible to cling onto what is inevitably slipping away from them.

The one chestnut of November is true about Americans voting for Trump: because they were tired of being told they were racist for the last 8 years.

Now you're Genji with the snippy one word responses to everything I write?

As has yours. Just because you're being stupid on the other side of the spectrum doesn't mean you get a pass.

We're all drinking. Some of us need to be cut off and start drinking water so they can smarten the fuck up. Hint: I'm not talking about me.

Doubling down on being a crazy idiot? Is your master plan to get close by getting a Cabinet position in his administration? Because you're well on your way, genius.

Great talk, stupid.

Are they doing anything to de-escalate these situations?

You're clearly not listening. Also, babe?
What are you Dennis Miller? If yes, that would explain a lot. A LOT.

Plus, it's not like there's a whole bunch of angry xenophobic mobs looking for the slightest provocation to declare war on people who don't look like them for imagines crimes against their whiteness already.

yeah that'll make everything soooooo much calmer and easier on everybody