Anton Shreve

Hey, they're the one who broke the first rule of Coconut Fuck Club.

alt.tasteless is alive and well

Billion dollar idea: they agree to dismantle their nuclear program and we'll give them all the coconuts they can…eat.

Well now I'm in the doghouse with Trevor for telling you all her name so thanks a fucking heap everybody!

Hey! That's my wife's name!

I'm reminded of the scene in Django Unchained:

Before the election when he kept riling up his supporters about the election being rigged to the point where some of them were saying "If Trump doesn't win we're going to start the revolution" my takeaway was this motherfucker would be flattered to see Americans fighting each other for the death for his pleasure.

Typical Men Going Their Own Way, never asking for directions!


oh for fuck sakes

I live north of Chicago so it's just as telling when you spot someone sporting the Confederate flag.If I take a side street on my way to work, I go past this guy who flies the Confederate flag. He also has a whiteboard hung on the tree facing the street. For a while he was selling mastiff puppies with caveat of NO

My favorite one is how he complains about all the left wing guests talking over everybody and how that was a Bill Clinton tactic so all you see on Fox News are the leftists talking over everyone

hit a little close to home did it

Hey, think of the money Charlottesville is saving on mosquito spraying!

Fuck you, Dharma Bumstead.

Madeline Goes to an American Inauguration

This isn't CSI: Cyber.

That's pretty much the only fun part of their day.

"This is madness!"