Anton Shreve

My point is that you devolve to open warfare in the street, your message gets lost. Martin Luther King Jr. understood that. Was he angry? Of course. Was he smart about it? Absolutely. He chose a battlefield they couldn't fight on. Because racism is stupid. Violence is stupid. You'll notice the most violent people

Homeboy can't be trusted to do a grocery run, but he gets this on the first try.

War ended slavery and the Holocaust. It didn't end racism. It didn't de-escalate violence to the point where honest everyday people can protest against hatred without getting murdered with a car by a domestic terrorist. Anyone who thinks more violence is going to be the solution to this problem needs to get a reality

"I'm not a racist, I just drove all the way to Virginia to carry torches with a bunch of white men shouting Nazi slogans to protest the removal of a Confederate general because I feel like that's an assault on white people and we're slowly being wiped out. Also, I'm a white nationalist. Sorry, I should have just led

I rest my case.

I like how defenders of his mini-manifesto say "Did you read the entire thing? Because if you read the entire thing you'd like it. Sure, not all of his points are great and there's not a lot of parts I agree with but overall it raises some good points."

Oh yeah, I keep hearing about all the times antifa violence is working except for the right here and now. Yes, Richard Spencer is less in the public eye. So what? You sucker punched one of white supremacy's Least Valuable Players and you want to act like that made any kind of difference?

And that has exactly what to do with the here and now?

Yes, believing in peace makes you a coward. Having principles makes you a coward.

I'm not going to lose sleep if a whole lot of Nazis end up not coming into work on Monday. But every time something like this happening and there's an increasing group of people saying "we tried being decent people but that didn't work so now we have to be just as bad as they are in order to win", I catch a lot of

I'm not a coward just because I believe in using my head instead of my fists, and fuck you for saying that. It's funny how advocating keeping a level head and actually doing meaningful productive things to counter hate is considered "cowardice". You're the one pretending you're making a difference as an excuse to beat


There's nothing wrong with voting when people actually do it. I'm far from comfortable. I'm just the sort of person who uses my head rather than delude myself into thinking I can punch racism away. Or that other people are going to pay the price because I wanted to be a tough guy.

Keep talking tough on the internet while innocent people get hurt and/or killed, tough guy.

Yes, Greece. Where hate crimes against immigrants and refugees have been on the rise for the past two years. Whatever you're doing over there is clearly working.

Well with hate crimes on the rise both here and in Greece, it seems like your kind of tactics are clearly working. Keep on trying to beat the racism out of everyone because that's clearly and effective and productive use of everybody's time.

…these motherfuckers look scared to you?

Yes, because reactionary violence always endears others to your cause.

Comparing white supremacists to domestic terrorist is neither a novel concept nor a stretch, considering the largess of domestic terrorists in the United States are white supremacists.

Good for Greece. Fat lot of good it's doing us over here. Did you have a point? Or?