Anton Shreve

The rest of us are waking up without foodstuffs having completely replaced our genitals for some reason or another. Plus the added benefit of understanding context and nuance and all that other fine stuff. Sooooo…good luck with living with all…that. Good day to you, sir!

Joke's on you! My name isn't Robert Miller! In your face, Google!

Only someone with a no fucking around hot dog where their actual dick should be calls that "winning". Keep on keeping on, winner.

Like The Patty Duke Show! If the episodes were titled "I Give President Trump 11 Out of 10 For the G20 Summit" (I shit you not)

Your dick is an actual hot dog. It is not fine. It is way fucked.

So…you chose this article to rail about what a bunch of nonspecific people weren't doing here at all while also frequently calling Sean O'Neal out by name for doing what "the LEFT" does even though he wasn't and when pointed this out simultaneously tying it back to "the LEFT" constantly calling Nazis when O'Neal

Middling C at best. I'm just gonna ask him about his actual hot dog dick and call it a day.

No. No he didn't. And no, no I won't. This is not a reply, it's a report. And if you actually read it, the entire point of the article acknowledges that Jeffrey Lord has been trolling CNN for the better part of 2 years and it took him directly violating their TOS, so to speak, for them to finally ban him. As numerous,

You're really going to feel dumb when Will_I_Tell reveals himself to be none other than Jeffrey Lord himself!

…so let's see if I have this straight. Your argument is that Jeffrey Lord is an obvious troll. Which isn't an argument in that it's universally agreed that Jeffrey Lord is a troll. Absolutely no one is disputing this fact.

I've never actually heard his voice up until one of the clips in this article. So is it just me that I'm so disappointed he doesn't have a poncey Tory British accent?

Wish I could say the same. You make me wistful for Buzz.

You're no Jeffrey Lord, I can tell you that much.

He's got you there!

His last name sounds like how Gollum pronounces the name Jeff. That's a big fat red flag right there.

Sometimes I appreciate the fact that CNN tries its best to not look partisan by offering differing viewpoints, while also fully understanding it's not going to make any difference and just leads to a bunch of wasted air. It's why I avoid 24/7 news channels as a rule, and yet wherever I go it's always on around me.

Who says being a LOLing shitlord is a young man's game? Not me. See: Jeffrey Lord

Also James Corden is, without a doubt, a complete knobhead. So he's 2 for 2 on this one.

But that all but guarantees his innocence, because the first person to be accused almost always never did it! CASE DISMISSED DOINKDOINK

Counterpoint: everyone who works at Walmart knows management has no sense of humor about anything.