Anton Shreve

So when did it go from "correction: we're not directly threatening North Korea" to "whatever, it's just one threat vs. all of theirs" in less than 15 minutes?

Yeah, I know. But I couldn't think of any other Disney star that could be a better miscast than Jake Paul.

That doesn't answer my question: how is "we will meet you with fire and fury"considered anything other than "we will attack you" from a country who declares the slightest insult towards their leader an act of war?

So there's room for interpretation, is what you're saying.

When Don Rickles died, my dad recorded an appearance of his on Johnny Carson. Glen Campbell was the first guest. Loved his earnestness. We'll have to watch that again some time if he still has it.

I have bad news: they scrapped the season and are starting from scratch. Jon Bernthal has been re-cast with Jake Paul and it's now being called You've Been Pizzunishizzered! (exclamation emphasis not mine)

That's exactly what I just said when I fired up Netflix and said "Welp, better binge watch Wizards of Waverly Place while I still can" and found out only the Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie is on Netflix!

More like Jack dies and she threw her necklace in the ocean but the Titanic actually missing the iceberg would have been a clever plot twist NO ONE would have seen coming

George Soros bussed in 3 billion illegals to vote for Shillary but no one knew where the fuck that was!

My sister once told me the entire plot over dinner, complete with spoilers. I actually appreciated it because it got me off the hook of having to see Titanic.

Speaking of snowflakes who can't get over how Trump won the election-

Pence responded with the sort of vehemence he typically reserves for non-diet soda, describing the Times piece as “disgraceful and offensive to me, my family and our entire team.”

Hey, don't hate the CVS Pimp, hate the CVS Game.

Either someone really wanted to watch The Bachelorette with the sound off, or it was playing golf earlier and someone forgot to change the channel.

Wrong! Robert John Burke of Thinner and Robocop 3: Yes, Robocop Fucking Flying fame is the correct answer.

Look, Rush comes from a generation where men are men and women are women. And reviewers would say things like "When the character died in this scene, do take note that the actual actor did not die but rather he was pretending to be dead for the purposes of the story which, again, we must reiterate is a fictional

So you just finished watching Cloud Atlas, too?


Okey dokey then. You're the expert. I'm just a dude who learned that fajitas are just as edible when they don't come out sizzling because the kitchen was backed up that day.

Apparently not. Again, the sound wasn't on. But verbal tone is inconsequential compared to non-verbal body language. And my distinct impression was they did not care for his shit.