Anton Shreve

Yeah, you're a real winner alright.

You're conflating privately funded art with public funding as "proof" that art is just for the rich. This is ridiculous, even by your usual standards.

…you have no idea what the NEA actually funds, do you?

That's why her Core Membership account is paid for with NEA grant money, no doubt.

"I forbid you to go, Ivanka!"
"But Dad told us we had to!"
"Ladies Love Cool James, Ivanka! It's literally in his name!"

why be concerned about the arts if anything there's too much art out there just look at deviantart for example

I would love to see a movie where an aging man retires to build a fruit stand and give back to the community. Then a gang of bank robbers bust their getaway car through the fruit stand, sending splinters of wood and fruit scattering across the street as they roar off laughing.

Welcome back, Dharma Bumstead!

Someone once spray painted a dick on the side of my car. Who vandalizes a decade old Chevy Avalanche with visible rust spots and a growing hole over the wheel well?

And I've seen them, and they are fantastic.

Swords will cut you fucking wide open!

"Not me", replied everyone's dad in unison while everyone's mom slapped his arm.

Only the depraved and unintelligent worship the wealth of others as nakedly as you do. It's shameful.

You seem to spend an awful lot of time defending the statements the President didn't make. Also, "PCLibDemScumBS" is not a word that meas anything, but by all means keep displaying your lack of intelligence with your spambot word salad.

watching cloud atlas

Believe me, no one thinks less of Stephen Miller because he's bald.

Stephen Miller looks like he has a rare form of progeria that makes you evil.

Seems like The Mooch has gone all post-Room Tommy Wiseau, all self-aware and fucking up intentionally. Feels rather forced. I'm not feeling it, Mooch.

Oh, so now YOU'RE too good for the White House because you're such a REAL AMERICAN. Right, that makes sense.

You still haven't told me what it's like having a half eaten caesar salad wrap for a dick. Why you duckin me, wrap dick?