Anton R. Shreve

Aww, they stole my favorite joke for Se7en re-watches! “Interesting fact: they used Kevin Spacey’s real life apartment to film this scene.”

How do we feel about calling it a “Sorry not sorry vid”?

Ezra Miller: string of arrests for assault and disorderly conduct, waving around guns and acting erratic and threatening

Who is her PR Crisis manager, Frank Reynolds?

Did you try hitting F5 and harrumphing loudly and repeatedly until the front page of your online newsgazette ceased to vex you?

Called it.

Insane, considering Anheuser-Busch has been a Pride sponsor since 2000 just like an increasing amount of corporate because, surprise: they’re not interested in fighting culture wars. Cheap domestic watery swill was traditionally marketed as “working man’s beer”, but you’d think staunch capitalists believing in the

If he dies, he dies.

Is it tacky to tweet at a band when your billionaire stepdad is probably dead with 4 othter guys at the bottom of the ocean? I dunno, maybe the guy’s a little bit of an asshole. Maybe his mom told him to go out and have a good time. Plenty of people seek self care and try to go about their lives with a sense of

Stockton “Fuck Safety” Rush

Exactly. He’s not an expert, just some dead guy’s 2nd wife’s husband no one heard about until the last couple days. Again: what the fuck do people expect the adult stepson of an utter stranger (both of which none of you heard of until recently) to do in this situation to live up to the standards of... (checks notes)

Oh, he’s 37? That makes it even more of a non-issue. You’re the adult stepchild of a billionaire who married your mom while you were still an adult and had two more kids. I’m sure she has a solid support system. Sometimes the best thing to do instead of sitting around waiting to hear the inevitable worst is to do some

Musk kicking the floor futons of what’s left of his Twitter office crew: Wake up losers, I’ve got a job for you so don’t make me look bad!

You’re telling me this sub was being navigated by text message and a Logitech controller, while piloted by a CEO whose stance on submarine tourism is “fuck safety rules?” Quarter mil sure is an expensive way to get buried at sea.

“Fuck Safety” is a weird hill to die on, but welp

I mean, this is exactly the sort of thing I’d expect a guy named Stockton Rush would say.

Sorry Cardi, I’m with the kid on this one. What do you expect him to do to “be involved in the search”? Go look for his stepdad with his own submarine?

Why the hell are we not allowed to engage? They’re the ones who suck.

The idea that “small dick energy equals intelligence” came from the same philosophers who claimed the most ideal society is run by philosophers, so I wouldn’t rely too heavily on that data.