antonio stovall

When the gun is broken down its no longer a “gun”.

The breech is open, this is the common way to carry one, either with barrel or stock over the shoulder is fine, it’s often up to the range or RSO to decide what method is used.

Not defending these two numb-skulls but i really feel like this just a bad, dry joke gone wrong.

this is the threat (left out of this article conveniently)

Well it was rendered in real time on a single GPU on a game engine.

They’ve been doing it for years.

Looks like I need to get my self a nice directional high gain antenna , a high gain Amp and nice signal generator in the 2.4 -5.8GHz range.

The federal government has no business mucking around in the internet. Let us not forget the same people who thought of this are the same people who tired to spring SOPA on you, do you really think they just had a change of heart , and suddenly want to do you have a favor. This is nothing but the sugarcoated torjan

Its the Orion space craft(deep-space ballistic capsule) not to be confused with “Project Orion” (nuclear pulse propulsion)

NASA will have their own fleet for exploration beyond low earth orbit. Going to and from station and LEO has become fairly stranded(as far as space travel goes).Operating Shuttle tied up a lot of NASAs budget ,while good things came from it , it also prevented travel beyond LEO. So now that travel is being farmed out,

While I thought the movie was kinda meh , I didn’t think it didn’t make any sense, well it didn’t make any less sense than the paradox that is John Connor . You don’t go into a movie about time travel and paradoxes and expect the plot to make complete sense.

More Fuel is cheaper than building another rocket.

Just a note, the Saturn V could lift something like 130 tons to LEO.

Why wouldn’t a gun at zero distance be effective? I don’t think that people are afraid to function in society, I think some people just like to be prepared for the worst. Should people with fire extinguishers also be checked out.

Tasers are not that great because you only get 1 to 2 shoots, and they don’t always penetrate all clothing and at close distance the probes wont spread far enough to actually trigger neuromuscular incapacitation, also it’s good to note that once the shock stops the attacker will quickly regain control and be able to

Its actually across the street, along with a sonny’s BBQ. There is also one in the industrial area and another Sonny’s at the O&C building (where the astronauts were processed and where the astronaut transfer van pick them up from.)

I actually live in Brevard county just a few miles away from the KSC. Orbiter would be at its lowest point while still going super sonic above us. The booms would shake walls , break windows , set off car alarms and my favorite would be all the dogs barking. I miss it so freaken much.

I’ve gotten through airport security with my phone...tablet..and laptop.

Micro satellites are becoming a big thing (hehe). Telecommunication company’s payloads are getting to be under 200lbs now, this is the market they are after. If the technology proves effective then I don’t see why the engine can’t be scaled up or arranged in larger clusters. I do understand what you’er getting at