antonio stovall

My setup...

As a fellow escort enthusiasts I had to go with ND , id have to talk that price down a bit.

Disney let universal continue to use marvle characters. They own the properties, if they wanted them back they could just be dicks and take them.

With Xmen ...Both ? Diffrent universe maybe ? That way they can interact without haveing to change lore. The only otherway would be a complete reboot of the Xmen because the MCU is way to astablished to suddenly add mutants.

Because he does it fairly safely.

I don’t think anyone actually had a nationality. The names don’t sound Asian, except for Ed Wong but then her father , had a Turkish name. I always assumed as people left Earth nationality became less of a thing. The show was a mixture of culture.

I’m just excited to see KSP.

I watched a preview , the part when they are standing in line, and he smacks the guy in the head , never watched the movie because of that.I don’t need another Observe and Report in my life.

ISS is somewhat protected by earths magnetic field.

It’s not a scope, it’s a night vision goggle. They don’t really have an eye relief like scopes (specific distance the eye must be from the lense) as there is no magnification. The eye cup is primarily to conceal the glow that is commonly present with night vision goggle(s), wouldn’t want to give away your position.

That’s such a bad idea... I can see the headline. “Man killed because range finder malfunction”

The Lion one bugs the hell out of me. He posted the pics to flicker(now removed) and left the EXIF data visible, it was taken with a 800mm lens, making his story bullshit.

Misleading headline is misleading, this particular booster will not fly again,but every booster they make from this point on will be just like this booster. So yes falcon 9 1.1 FT serial number 00000001 will not fly again.

The chutes for the Orion capsule are about the size of a football field, now think about how large the chutes would have to be for an entire rocket. fuel is relatively cheap, and with the 2nd stage,payload, and most of the fuel gone ,it doesn’t really take a lot of fuel to land, in fact it dose its return burn with

Didn’t say it was any less art. And light painting isn’t digital, it can be done with a film camera, and the planing to pull something like that off would take just as much effort. The symbolism behind this is more interesting than the constitution which is why I find the video kinda silly. There is nothing

Thats not a machine gun.

Yeah, I was thinking long exposure light painting using drones or some well coordinated group of people... then its like oh...its just a frame with lights.

But the guy behind him is holding his the same way.

Actually you can check gun parts and not declare them (I would just to be safe) So slides barrels and upper receivers would technically be fine. But I get what you trying to say.