antonio stovall

Because the people at NASA totally haven't thought of that. Orion is the first step.

I was trying to be cheeky by covertly reviving a meme. But hey why not . That excuse works for Goku /saiyans thus far .

Maybe you're a fool ,and that wasn't even really his final form...… The idea was passed in favor of building Ares now being called SLS. I havent read the whole thing , but i gather there would have been a lot of redesign work to man rate it.

Now playing

Its been tested on the pad quite extensively. The point of this in flight test is not of the abort portion , but the jettisoning of the LES and shroud as part of the vehicles normal flight procedure.

Becasue multiverse.

* sent from my iPhone.

That ...actually sounds pretty cool, especially considering the timey wiemy shenanigans, you could almost think of this as a reboot within the same universe as the original.

I bet this place glows white hot during election years.

He totally just did "I am iron man" IRL

Pretty sure Boeing (then McDonnell Douglas) built the Gemini craft way back in the 60's, Boeing also acquired Rockwell international in the 90s, so they have that whole orbiter thing too.

Whatever the outcome it will be exciting times to see manned flight back in the states at KSC,I was hoping dream chaser would have been one of the winners...but only because I work for one of sierra Nevada's partners lol.

The thing that CST has going for it is that it can be launched from a Delta IV , Atlas V, SLS and Falcon.The Problem that Space X has is that the Falcon rockets are still fairly new compared to the track record delta and atlas has ,even SLS is derived from shuttle and Saturn v. The last few falcon launches were a

You should read more about this. Just because it looks the same dose not mean its the same.

It looks like NASA is getting its budget in chunks, gone are the days of the wide open flood gate of cash flow. From the ramblings in the halls it sounds like missions are funded in stages rather than trying to fund a 20 year project in one chunk.

Space X while having several successful payload missions , have had several engine failures along with other issues with each launch. Also the falcon is a rough ride, it pogos so severally that no man would survive a ride. Space X is nowhere near ready to man rate. And its not hard to come in over budget when you are

This is a continuation of constellation,same capsule different launch vehicle. This is also the first step to deep space exploration this is meant for Mars and beyond, its not intended to be a replacement for shuttle SLS has a specific mission much like Apollo.