antonio stovall

It helps to imagine you're in the year 2208 as you watch this.

Eh not that impressive, I can do that without the boat.

I'm not quite sold on this, the magnetron in a microwave is tuned around 2.4GHz and would not be audible, the hum sounds like 60-100hz . Amusing that antenna is just a magnetic loop it would be way to small to effectively transmit 60 to 100Hz as they show it, wave guide cutoff is way to huge.Also anything in that

You must have missed the part about the cylinder boars sliding across the head.

I find it odd that this wasn't mentioned above. foie gras is duck liver that has been fattened by force feeding the duck. This is why the sale is illegal in a lot of places. I'm no hippie vegan , I love meat... But even i find this cruel as hell.

So...Not to be the imperial shit stirrer but,One of the big arguments for global warming is documented changes from the 1800s till now. But without stuff like this we haven't really been able to accurately monitor change globally, and stuff like this has only been around for the past 30-40 years or so...soo

You mean...This isn't how i'm supposed to put on my pants?

Or as we saw drive really really slowly and be ridiculously over cautious..