O Presunto que Anda

Unnatural? No (just ask most populations of a very small size). A very bad idea? Yes.

I didn't think it was horrible per se, but it did feel like an episode of a wholy different series, and I felt it pretty much made the last few seasons pointless.
I don't know, there was a tonal shift there that didn't sit well it me at all.

And yet, I seem to understand the scientific method better than your pompous, condescending, trollish ass: if you want to convince me or anyone else, for that matter, let's see the data (peer-reviewed, if you will). Otherwise, you are just asking people to believe that what you say is right because your knowledge is

I am not saying that they are one and the same: I'm saying that you should back up statements like that with hard evidence. Being a condescending asshole does not make you more right.

Skepticism is always good, but shouldn't be one-sided: unless you have data to the contrary, you should doubt that they do something nasty to the food as well.

Ferguson, too. Hell, if he and his guests are having fun, they'll more often than not forget to talk about whatever thing they're promoting.

Just to be a bit pedantic: no penguin species lives in a arctic climate, 'cause the Arctic is in the Northen hemisphere :p
Correcting your correction: true, most penguins don't live in the Antartic...but neither do a fair number of their predators. Hell, you won't catch a sea lion anywhere near the poles! There's