
They canceled The Birthday Boys though and that's about the worst thing a human or group of humans can do. But yeah they're otherwise pretty alright.

Remember that part in The Social Network where he posts those art pieces on Facebook so he can get other peoples' interpretations to use for his analysis of them on his final? Anyway, what do you all think of eugenics?

Mother Teresa's idea was that suffering is what made you reach God so she found people that were suffering and made them suffer more. As far as I'm concerned, she can go fuck herself.

Every time I recall DMDWP I get to the crazy thought "do I really feel that it's a 10/10 film?" After that I usually remember anything at all from it and realise what a stupid damn question that is.

@avclub-3da678392d5ac1ff456fe6e06354fdef:disqus where you at? I was pretty sure I'd at least like Sweet Movie given that Makavejev is one of my most favorite filmmakers but I didn't expect it to so easily be one of the best things I've ever seen. Once again it seems Makavejev made a film specifically for me. What a

I was trying to find a way to say this but couldn't. I was immediately turned off by the samples in Gosh but I actually tolerate them now and it's incredible how well the album flows as a whole given how great each track is. It's definitely one of my favorites this year and though I've only heard like 10 new albums

Also also, didn't one of the Dissolvers complain about the cat pictures? Who in their right mind complains about cat pictures? Granted I wasn't in such a great state of mind following The End either but tailor-posted pictures of cats is one of the best remedies people can hope for in this world

Also, the existence of this reminded me I hadn't seen Season 6 and though I've only seen the first four episodes so far they are fantastic and I can't wait to finally revisit this show I am finally reminded I love so much.

Thanks, all but two of those being on Criterion makes me even more excited knowing of how much Soderbergh cares about the presentation of films. I'll also get in another recommendation for Makavejev, the last shot of the clip for Love Affair on Criteiron's site is What I Talk About When I Talk About Cinematography.

Well, to be equally flattering in an equally genuine manner, one of my favorite aspects of The Dissolve commenting community was the love and respect we shared and I felt that from the first time I posted here.

This is unrelated to what you've said here but I just finished The Limey and it is great to the degree that my praise at this point is mostly me repeating expletives to myself. I've only seen nine (!) of his films but I've loved them all and when I first saw that Soderbergh was to you what Antonioni is to me I thought

The Rover (2014) - Still one of the greatest. It's immediately understandable to me that this is my brother's favorite film every time I see it again. 10/10.

I watched In the Mood for Love a second time (saw it via the Criterion Blu-ray I just bought). Just as beautiful, just as affecting. An arresting illustration that feelings and tangible things deteriorate with the passage of time but remnants of them will always be evident. I'm very interested in what all of you feel

Look, Prague was practically asking to get thrown out of that window.

I've been meaning to see it from the time that I read Spielmann's Criterion Top 10 and he mentioned Antonioni was one of his big influences. I actually did an analysis of the trailer for a class (maybe the best trailer I've ever seen with it's consistent music and mastery of tone) and every shot is amazing.

That'd be awesome too if it had the greatness of the cinematography, editing, and lighting of this season. Tip-top visual media, my man.

That's one hot list you got there buddy (Marienbad!). I really need to see Revanche.

Well I'm a lot more excited for one of the Makavejev's I haven't seen (as though that were possible)

1. Björk's Debut (US Heatseekers #1)
2. Makavejev's Love Affair, or the Case of the Missing Switchboard Operator, Helene Cattet and Bruno Forzani's (mos def wrong spelling of their names) The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears
3. Refn's Pusher trilogy, Kieslowski's Three Colors trilogy, Death Grips' MC Ride trilogy (the

For sure, I'm just surprised that someone I know to be resisting of new things has found something contemporary that he loves. It's really cool and I'm glad there's something else that he's knowledgable of we can share in discussion.