
Look, man, I;m really not sure how likely it is that she;d;ve married Francisco Franco


The Birthday Boys for all of em (both seasons for question 1)

Β‘Happy yesterbirthday!

Reread Joseph McElroy;s Night Soul and Other Stories, tried to track down some of the writing McElroy;s a fan of from authors I hadn;t yet read/heard of (which was a good amount of them) and thru that read+reread Nicholas Mosley;s Impossible Object ; both are pretty damn great with every sentence in each as…

I just started reading Nicholas Mosley;s writing two days ago based on McElroy saying he;s a great writer and found out today (through McElroy;s Twitter) that he;s not alive anymore :((((

I;ll make as many films as I can so I;m sure to get my man MICHAEL on at least one of em ;;;;))

I must have seen "The Gang Beats Boggs" enough that it's something solidified in my mind rather than something I decide to mention ; it might be my favorite cutting-to-titlecard instance ("again, he is still alive")

Or anything where they're solely limited to what they each define as their "selves" and how this personal definition clashes with either an actuality or how the rest of them would define (each of) them (e.g. "The Gang Gets Quarantined")

Seconding thirding & fo(u)rthing "The Gang Gets Trapped"

Something like "damn near all of em" but this and the rest of that episode involving the gin bar is some of the most I;ve laughed

It;s part of the Official Narrative of Islamβ„’ to only allow one of the Kaaba to be visible to outsiders ; I see now I should have shown more restraint



I also forgot to italicise Life Sentences so it;s also very possible that a person shouldn;t be awake for 24 hours

I got so excited talking about the books I got that I decided Joseph McElroy's given name was James 😰😰😰😰😰😰😰