
Also, people don't believe me about any of them (mostly they don't believe I have the conditions; some others discount their existence as is your experience) so I empathise with you there.

Dysgraphia over here (in addition to ADHD without hyperactivity (this is the real name of it people, at least as I have been told by each and every medical professional) and OCD)

The worst thing about the Marvel Cinematic Universe is that I now have to type out medium close-up (MCU) every time I use it.

Oh cool, I can finally find out what the hell ultraviolet is

I keep on thinking your avatar is that shot form The 400 Blows but then I'm like "wait it's something much better". Props on using that sick painting as your identifier.

The nickname for Phoenix AZ (where I've lived the majority of my life) should really be Nyx because not only is it the Greek goddess of night (when the city is at its best) and it's the name of one of my cats.

I totally dismisunderestimated the attractiveness of Alison Brie. I needed to see her in motion (not in a sexual way, I mean the presence of facial movement and knowledge of her being a real person) to be reminded of her greatness. I'm sorry I ranked you below so many other female peoples Alison, now your only

Look, I just want to read Nathan Rabin's linked Playboy article without being asked for a subscription (shit's not even hardcore bro, I need dick on dick)

Right after I finally got the new Hannibal! I'll be commenting on this when I watch the episode (starting now). As usual, thanks for these cool/bangin'/totally nice write-ups.

True, one of the highlights of the film for me was when it cuts to that montage because the huge change in style makes the audience even more aware of what the cinematography is doing in a good way.

I'm sorry about that, I must have misread your post because I thought I saw you ask what other's thoughts were (this is not meant to be sarcastic, I definitely misread your post). What are some of your favorite aspects that you like to think about from it? What were your favorite characters or character struggles?

Breh, if one were to choose religion Gnosticism is the way to go as it's about each individual's personal connection rather than the assumption that everything is/should be the same for everybody.

I also found the editing extremely obvious but I haven't seen anyone else that has so this is probably just my extreme attention to technical detail

I disliked this film heavily and my main dislike of it is the one-shot gimmick. It completely removes the impact or any sort of emotional or intellectual response from camera movement and editing. Further than that, there is no point to it. It can't be Riggan's perspective because we follow other people far too often

Antonionian ranks Godspeed You! Black Emperor's releases (the ties are very much equal and their order is approximate):

It has been too long since I've listened to their music but my favorite is either Those Who Speak the Truth… or The Rescue. I'll have to listen to their discog again soon, thanks for the reminder!

Lift Your Skinny Fists has always been the lowest in my personal ranking (which still makes it one of the GOAT albums). I'll post my complete ranking (just for the hell of it) when I'm not at Trader Joe's.

Death Grips' The Powers That B is literally the greatest album of all time and Jenny Hval's Apocalypse, girl is second (of all time, I mean). Also, Godspeed You! Black Emperor released their best album (therefore the third best album of all time), 'Asunder, Sweet and Other Distress' which is unfortunately

(your posts always make me smile no matter what mood I'm in, so thanks for that too!)

I'm back baby! I honestly am not sure I believed any of the three of them were real until they walked out on stage. I'm still not sure if Andy is real. 10/10 show. Don't know if I've got anymore to say at this moment of insane glee. Time to get drunk since my last class of the week is on Thursdays