
Personal opinion, what’s that?

No there isn’t.
It’s obviously assumed that if we post something on a bloody gaming article on Kotaku in a comment then it’s an opinion - we shouldn’t have to justify EVERY STATEMENT WE MAKE with the words “in my opinion”, that’s utterly daft. On no planet can calling a game “mediocre” be a fact, so expecting that to

Way to back pedal on the ad hominem against me there buddy.

Pretty much exactly what I think. You act like it’s wrong to hold personal philosophy in higher regards than corporate fuckery.

Reasons I will pirate video games:

Rob Liefeld. Look we know post 9/11 Miller isnt very good. Or good at all really. So lets not waste a good artist’s time with it.

“Game development has changed. It’s no longer about challenging players, creative expression, or crafting worlds. It’s an endless series of proxy battles, fought by executives and marketing. Games- and their consumption of time- have become a well-oiled machine.”

Did they check under the box?

You can see, in the video where Sakurai receives his award, how he is also offered a baby to absorb life energy from in order to keep his youth

As Ranzor said - this is Obsidian, born out of Black Isle. Of course Pillars is heavily influenced by BG and Icewind Dale, it was made by the same people.

Could you explain, then, how John Romita Jr. doesn't make this list?

Ah, and this highlights a major issue with IP and publishers (aka the money holders). MG is Kojima's baby, yet Konami will rape the sh*t out of it for years to come and there is nothing Kojima can do about it. It's a damn shame. A damn shame, and bad form all around. Kojima should get to keep his baby, just like

The most embarrassing thing to read was this comment, solely because it starts out with broken english, incorrect words and misspellings. this a developer from the game?

Yeah... that's a bit lame and I certainly would have preferred a disk release, but I'll take what I can get at this point.

I'm confused by your confusion in this post. How did you think it was going to be something different? Metal Gear Online was in MGS4 and served the same purpose. That's why this is called MGO3

He is vampire and Kojima has nanobot in his body.