Antonio Cromartie's Penis

And if any team has experience with that kind of thing...

I’ve never been dunked on in the NBA. Not once.

“I says to him, ‘Whoa, easy there doc, why don’t you take me out to dinner first!’ and he says, ‘I can’t. That would be an NCAA rules violation.’”

I agree, this column portrays him as being a pretty solid dude.

Nice guy. He seems like a real pillar of the community.

I was a 10-point baby born in India.

Maybe Rodney was just pissed the guy was filming in portrait mode.

big deal my phillies signed a coach who suntans his balls

Yeah? Well, my Pirates claimed Nik Turley off waivers from the Twins! Nik Turley!

Fire is hot.

If only he had millions of dollars to fall back on

I visited a Turkey Hole at a truck stop once. I won’t say which end I was on, but I will say I was very sleepy afterwards

The Tampa Bay player also said, “My phone was ringing off the hook from locals calling in death threats. Thankfully it died down a bit around 7-7:30pm. Didn’t get one after 8pm at all.”

He was played constantly but I never got tired of hearing his hits. That’s great songwriting.

i, too, hate it when i accidentally do a public racism.

My 18 year old cousin uses her mom’s credit card (that her mom gave her) to take Ubers and pay for lunch or brunch with her friends at restaurants so they can practice for their post-college future in the city using their parent’s credit cards for brunch

I still can’t tell if this “advice” column is supposed to be serious, or if there’s just some inside joke I’m not getting. This can’t be real advice, can it?

Oh, gas v. charcoal - I’m sure this thread will be a calm and reasonable sharing of ideas.

They’re like drug dealers. You’ll never get rid of them as long as there’s a demand. Who the fuck are the idiots spending good money to own a signed ball cap or sneaker, anyway?