
What in the FUCK is this bullshit?

Everything about this movie sounds fine so far, and I think with a few small tweaks it could have served as the plot for the cast of the 2016 film too. Which just shows that it wasn’t the cast or misogynists (for the most part) that caused the 2016 film to fail, it was the story Paul Feig wanted to tell.

If you’ve never played the PS3 game (that was recently remastered for PS4) you should. It was written partly by Aykroyd and Ramis and explores what was originally set to be the third movie’s plot about the return of Gozer. Good game.

No offense, but that just means you have terrible taste in movies. 

The original Ghostbusters movies were a horror franchise written by comedians. The recent reboot was a comedy movie written by comedy writers. I feel like that was the secret sauce the reboot didn’t have.

It needs to be scary. That’s something the last one forgot about, I believe. Ghostbusters was a comedy but also made sure to put in some good legitimate scares. I don’t exactly have a lot of faith in this project (as much as I love Paul Rudd) but the tone is key in nailing. Dry comedy + good scares = memorable film.

Check your local libraries. I was able to borrow a Vive at no cost for a weekend and played a couple of VR titles and it totally sold me on the technology.

Yeah, and as we all know, President Trump has never lied about anything ever. 

theres also all that vr porn out there

I don’t think you have to spend 500-1000 on a VR headset, that’s hyperbole 

Have you actually looked into what’s available? Kotaku does an absolute shit job covering the VR market, but there really are tons of great VR games.

People get $500 consoles to play exclusive titles...same diff.

Still, I’m not sure I want to spend that kind of money to play one game.

Get the OG oculus. Used you shouldnt spend more than 200. I have it, works well and with the limit of games on VR, in my head there is no reason to spend more. 

Cost is definitely one of many issues with VR, but it’s not quiiiite $500-$1000 bad. The Rift S is $400, I believe the Vive was $400 as well (and is still $400 for a official refurb), and the original Oculus+Touch pack got down to 350ish new. And the Samsung WMR headset is $230 right now (not super familiar with it