
Misogyny always struck me as a poor excuse for the bad writing of the reboot. I have nothing against female leads and there are plenty of examples of badass women in movies, Sigourney Weaver in Aliens being one.

Same thing with a lack of uniforms. The plain clothes courtroom scene was awesome, but seeing the guys in their uniforms with full gear is a big part of why the series became so iconic. My expectations are pretty low for this new one, but at least it can't possibly be worse than the reboot.

Easily worth the cost of admission alone. You’d be hardpressed to find someone who’s experienced high quality VR porn and disagrees. It’s mindblowing stuff.

The Samsung Odyssey Plus is only $229 right now on Amazon. Certainly not the overall best VR headset, but one of the better ones for visual quality and definitely usable for a first VR headset.