Antonia Mandry

Cereal killer!!

I would have been okay with that. :)

I was stoked to see Pete Postlethwaite's son among the Lannister boy-soldiers!! That was cooler to me than Ed whatshisface.

yeah, i hated O'Reily in Oz, and it always impressed me how Dean Winters made me love his new character in SVU. Also he's great as the Vulture in B99.

oooh, tell my why Philadelphia Story?

edited to add: and seen the movie adaptations.

I love how all of you have read the same books as me.

i loved the Frighteners too. I also had nightmares for weeks after I saw it. Very effective.

what about killing a thousand people to cure human cancer?

I love David Suchet.

Agent Was Better With May.

i love him, he was also a funny lead in a romcom with Janeane Garofalo as an Irishman who only knows one sentence in Gaelic - "Can I use your toilet" . man that was a funny film

Crossing Lines, but to be fair, that might be due to the puerile characterization of his role by the writers.

Darnley was 21 when he *spoiler* died in real life, so yeah too old.

Keller and Beecher. :)

Wordy mcword.

I think this is something people don't want to face. People like their heroes and heroines pure and 100% good, instead of the multi-faceted and ultimately flawed people they generally are.

Your comment seems to be about elitism, that those who are talented get a freer pass than others. One law for some, another for the rest of us. I see it somewhat in the States but much more in other cultures.

Still doesn't give Polanski the right to skip town. He could have appealed.