Antonia Mandry

i would watch that.

Don't they behead kings? Charles I, Richard III…

you would need something like the July 20th plot.

on a toilet, eating sticky chicken.

we know what happens to zeppelins.

ah Kiss Me Kate. well done, sir.

Also Rommel might have fought for his country, but he also was forced to kill himself because he was linked with the 20 July plot to kill Hitler and overthrow the government. Also, check out the story of Admiral Canaris. Wrong side, but morally pretty superior to the rest of his countrymen. I can't think of a single

who wouldn't be? I'm reading The Lincoln Papers right now (first published in 1948) right alongside Lies My Teacher Told Me. What fun.

I have no problem with them being traitors. Feel free if you have a morally good reason to be! But I have a problem with them deciding to be traitors just so they could keep people in bondage. Not a morally good reason in my humblest of opinions.

but they have tiki torches?! Surely that would give them an advantage.

I learned my Canadian history from Due South. "So since their formation our two countries have found a peaceful way to coexist. Except for the War of 1812 where your country invaded ours and we sent you packing, but that's hardly worth mentioning. " So that's all I got.

Is that a Stoppard reference? Me like.

I loved Squirrel Nut Zippers and like Collective Soul, otherwise, I'm down with this article.

yeah, i hate the father more. Like oodles more.

I love that. Although at the time I first saw it, I was definitely like "Jimmy Stewart should get ALL the girls."


"I wonder if zombies are the same thing as serial killers."
"I think we have a conflict of understanding."

"Too many secrets"

John Wood is the voice? "Do you want to play a game?"