Antonia Mandry

For me, it has to do with whether they will benefit me from separating the person from the art. If they get money or accolades (and more jobs), then I won't participate in it. If they are dead, I will remember the history, and still enjoy the music.

I think it's both weird and awesome that Eric Roberts got cast as Jackson's dad, because age wise that means his dad was about 24 -25 when Jackson was born and his mom was about 31.

also standards of beauty were different.

I dont know, Catherine Avery is played by Debbie Allen who I adore (ever since I first saw her in that episode of Quantum Leap), so I love seeing her on screen no matter what character she plays.

I liked Private Practice a lot, especially when Gabriel Fife was on it. He was lovely snarky.

my preferences for that intern group are Edwards and Heather, with Leah a third. Couldnt stand either Shane or Jo.

Francis Crawford of Lymond. Also he is probably the basis for Jamie.

well rape is about power not sexuality, so I think it's definitely up to interpretation.

that would be cute. Alex would make an excellent brother-in-law for Mer. Plus I think Jo is such a non-character, I hope she leaves.

I'm still catching up on the episodes. But I would love to comment when I do watch all.

As far as recognizing someone after a long time, I just bumped into someone on a street corner after 12 years, and there was a bit of a lag (mostly from out of context and surprise) but we definitely recognized each other.

I love Spiral. Is it still on?
But I also love Tahar Rahim. He's fantastic.

well the actress is about 8 years older than him. But in my observation there are plenty of hot guys who go for older women (maybe not a majority but still plenty :).

Wow. In retrospect, this episode is amazing. Roger Rees will be missed.

mmm , except "expect" and "get" are two different realities.

and the threat of force due to the frequent power differential is often present as well.

i loved Ultraviolet. It has everyone in it: Susannah Harker, Idris Elba, whatshisface from true blood, and Jack Davenport!

I have this fantasy about James Earl Jones guesting as Holt's father, and them having a stentorian-tones face off. Plus Jones also as comedic chops (Dr. Strangelove!).

Also, read Scapegoat by Daphne De Maurier